Cadre 8 Training, October 9, 2012 DIETS & Drivers
All over the road! Weve inspected the whole vehicle: – RTI Essential elements – Core – Change But not HOW to maintain your car and keep it running smoothly for years… Where Weve Been
For too long we have focused on the what and not paid enough attention to the how of implementation Rob Horner
Good Intentions Actual Supports Years 1-3 Outcomes Every Teacher TrainedFewer than 50% of the teachers received some training Fewer than 10% of the schools used the CSR as intended Every Teacher Continually Supported Fewer than 25% of those teachers received support Vast majority of students did not benefit Aladjem & Borman, 2006; Vernez, Karam, Mariano, & DeMartini, 2006 Longitudinal Studies of a Variety of Comprehensive School Reforms Failure to Improve
Implementation Gone Wrong Insert video of the robbery
Integrated & Compensatory The How of Implementation: Drivers © Fixsen & Blase, 2007 Staff Competence Organization Supports Leadership Coaching Training Selection Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Student Benefit Technical Adaptive
DIET-DB District Implementation Evaluation Tool– District Based (DIET-DB) District Implementation Evaluation Tool– District Based (DIET-DB) Indicator to Monitor Progress and guide planning Completed by district TEAM with guidance from OrRTI Coach 2X/year
DIET-DB: Selection
DIET-DB: Training
OUTCOMES (% of Participants who Demonstrate Knowledge, Demonstrate new Skills in a Training Setting, and Use new Skills in the Classroom) TRAINING COMPONENTS Knowledge Skill Demonstration Use in the Classroom Theory and Discussion 10% 5% 0% + Demonstration in Training 30%20% 0% + Practice & Feedback in training 60% 5% + Coaching in Classroom 95% Joyce and Showers, 2002 DIET-DB: Coaching
DIET-DB: Performance Assessments DIET-DB DIET-SB Elementary Schools Coaching Feedback Document Elementary Schools Coaching Feedback Document Elementary EBIS Team Planning Survey Fidelity and Walk Through Tools
DIET-DB: Performance Assessments
Decision Support Data System
Facilitative Administration Provide staff with support PEP – PIP Eliminate barriers Ensure fidelity
Facilitative Administration
DIET-DB: Systems Intervention Engage and grow champions Celebrate Success Access external support
DIET-DB: Systems Intervention
DIET-SB Measure the degree to which ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS of RTI are being implemented fully at each elementary school
DIET-SB 1.Leadership 2.Teaming 3.Research-Based Core (Tier 1) 4.Research-Based Interventions (Tier 2 & 3) 5.Screening 6.Progress Monitoring 7.Professional Development 8.(Coaching*)
End of DIET