The Respiratory System
Write out the pathway of air as it travels through the respiratory system.
Label the Respiratory System Pg 484 in text
Label the Respiratory System Pg 490 in text
What keeps food from going down the larynx?
Which body cavity contains the lungs?
How many lobes in each lung?
Where and through what structures does gas exchange take place?
What is it called when the lungs exchanges gases with blood? Ventilation Internal respiration External respiration
Ventilation Internal respiration External respiration What is it called when blood exchanges gases with cells and body cells? Ventilation Internal respiration External respiration
What is the fancy word for breathing? Ventilation Internal respiration External respiration
What is respiratory gas transport and where does it occur?
Which is the respiratory stimulus? Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Hydrogen
Tidal Volume Residual volume Vital Capacity Inspiratory Reserve Expiratory Reserve Which of these is in the lungs at all times?
Pleurisy involves what part of the lungs?
Fluid building up in the lungs can cause what?
What is it called when air sacs weaken and enlarge?