Curriculum and Options 2019 HOWDEN SCHOOL Curriculum and Options 2019
The Option process at Howden School have been designed to: 1. Allow students to access the broadest curriculum possible enabling all students’ learning needs to be met. 2. To engage learners and enable all learners to reach their full potential.
The Curriculum - OfSTED The curriculum makes a positive contribution to students’ outcomes and their personal development, behaviour and welfare. Students are prepared well for their future education and training as there is a good range of subjects taught and an emphasis on the development of literacy and numeracy skills.
Options In Year 8 students will be able to select options for completion in the summer of 2022. These students will be able to select a maximum of 4 subjects in Key Stage 4 (other subjects being compulsory). Students will study their option subjects for… 2 hours per week over 3 years.
English Maths Science Subjects where there is no option Core subjects: Some subjects are considered absolutely vital for your future success and as such everybody has to study them. Core subjects: English Maths Science
The Curriculum ICT is an option based subject. Statutory ICT (Computing) is taught as part of a combined course within Year 11 with elements of Information and Guidance (IAG). GCSE Religious Studies is taught in Year 9 and Year 10 and students will be entered for the exam at the end of Year 10. All students will also cover some subjects designed to develop the individual, improve life prospects and employability such as… Sports leaders (Yr9) Functional Skills ICT (Yr9 and 10) PSHE (Yr9) Careers and Guidance (Yr11)
Routes A change this year is to introduce routes or pathways for our students After reviewing our curriculum, one clear outcome is that not enough of our learners are accessing the Ebacc If we want all of our students to reach their full potential more students should study the EBacc
Academic Route + EBacc The EBacc is a set of subjects at GCSE that keeps young people’s options open for further study and future careers. The EBacc is: - English language and literature - Maths - Sciences - Geography or History - A Modern Foreign language (French or Spanish) ENGLISH SCIENCE LANGUAGES GEOGRAPHY HISTORY MATHS A study by the Sutton Trust reveals that studying the EBacc can help improve a young person’s performance in English and maths. Research shows that taking the EBacc enhances prospects for entering further education or employment. These are the subjects Top University’s want student to take. The Government target for 2022 is 75% of students taking EBacc
High school students who study languages do better academically Bilingual students perform better in English, Maths and Science Creativity is increased with the study of foreign languages. Students who take a language subject, on average earn £128, 000 more 88% of business leader say learning a language is critical to success in business Graduates often cite foreign language courses as some of the most valuable courses in college because of the communication skills developed in the process. Dealing with another culture enables people to gain a more profound understanding of their own culture.
For these reasons… We would like our academic students to select the EBacc in their option choices We will refer to this route as the Academic pathway This is the pathway for students who consistently achieve grades 3 or higher across year 8 Students who intend to study A’levels and possibly go to University
Academic Route EBACC History GCSE Computer Science Geography GCSE Design and Technology French GCSE Drama Spanish GCSE Food GCSE Art and design GCSE Music GCSE Business studies GCSE PE EBACC
Academic / Vocational Route This route would allow students to keep the academic pathways open to them in the future whilst allowing students to experience vocational learning. Vocational subjects are… OCR NATIONAL SPORTS STUDIES OCR NATIONAL ICT BTEC MEDIA BTEC PERFORMING ARTS BTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL
Academic / Vocational Route This route if for students who do not intend to go to university You may be planning vocational courses college You may be considering an apprenticeship You are achieving grades below grade 3 in year 8 This pathway is also ideal for students who wish to keep their future options open This group of students have the largest number of courses to choose from
Academic / Vocational Route History Health and Social studies BTEC technical awards Geography OCR ICT- Cambridge National Certificate French Creative Digital Media : BTEC Technical Award Spanish GCSE Music GCSE Art and design GCSE PE GCSE Business studies Performing arts BTEC technical awards GCSE 3 Dimensional Design OCR Sports Studies - Cambridge National Certificate GCSE Drama GCSE Textiles and design GCSE Food EBACC Student on this pathway will be asked to pick at least 1 Ebacc subject
Options Things to do Things to avoid Pick subjects you want to learn more about Choose subjects you can see yourself studying for 3 more years Choose subjects linked to career pathways you are considering Things to avoid Avoid picking subjects because your friends are picking it Avoid picking subjects you do not like Avoid picking subjects you have little interest in Avoid picking subjects which are very similar Eg GCSE PE and BTEC PE or OCR ICT and Computer Science
Do’s… Think carefully about your preferences and the reasons for your choices. Discuss your subject preferences with your parents, specialist subject teachers (parent evening) and tutor. Consider your strengths and interests.
Do’s… Think about where your choice of courses will lead post 16 and beyond. Think about where you want to end up in five or even 10 year’s time. What do you picture yourself doing?
A few facts… 1 in 4 people today are with a company they have only been with for less than a year. The top 10 in demand jobs now did not exist 5 years ago e.g. App. Designer. It is estimated that today’s school leavers will experience between 10-14 jobs before they are 40
Options Time Line Week Date Key events 1 29th Jan 31st Jan Year 8 Assembly re Options January Presentation to parents Yr 8 Parent Carer evening 2 1st Feb 4th Feb Taster session forms to students in PM Reg Deadline for taster session forms 3 Feb We will process the return slips 4 Mid Feb Half Term 6 27th Feb Taster Evening for Students 7 4th of March Hand in Option Choices Sheet