Developmental Psychology Cognitive & Moral Development
Cognitive Development Stage theory of cognitive development Each stage marks a new “level” of thinking Assimilation Accommodation
Sensorimotor Period Birth- 2 yrs Reflexes to Symbolic Thought Object Permanence – when child recognizes objects continue to exist when no longer visible
Preoperational Period Improved use of symbolic thought Unable to solve conservation problem Conservation – aware physical properties remain constant, despite shape
Preoperational Period
Preoperational Period Problems... Centration – focus on one aspect of problem Irreversibility – can’t mentally reverse action Egocentrism – unable to take another perspective
Theory of Mind Ideas & knowledge about how other people’s minds work
Concrete Operational Period Perform operations on tangible objects Ability to “mentally undo” a task (reversibility) Ability to concentrate on more than one aspect of a task (decentration)
Formal Operational Period Think abstractly Think of hypothetical problems Systematic thought
Age Stage Description 0-2 Sensorimotor Object Permanence 2-6 Preoperational They lack the concept of conversation and the abilities of centration, irreversibility, and have egocentric thought 7-11 Concrete operations Develop centration and reversibility 11+ Formal operations Children begin to reason abstractly
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development Higher cognitive abilities allows for “deeper moral processing”
Moral Dilemma Two morals or two “rights” pitted against one another Interested in reasoning, not behavior
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Level 1: Preconventional Morality Stage 1: Punishment & Obedience Orientation The child decides what is wrong on the basis of what is punished. Obedience is valued for its own sake, but the child obeys because the adults have superior power. Stage 2: Instrumental Hedonism Orientation The child follows rules when it is her immediate interest. What is good is what brings pleasant results.
Level 2: Conventional Morality Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Level 2: Conventional Morality Stage 3: Good Boy/Good Girl Orientation Moral actions are those that live up to the expectation of the family or other significant group. “Being good” becomes important for its own sake. Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation Moral actions are those so defined by larger social groups or the society as a whole. One should fulfill duties one has agreed to and uphold laws except in extreme cases.
Level 3: Postconventional Morality Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Level 3: Postconventional Morality Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation Acting to achieve the “greatest good for the greatest number.” The teenager or adult is aware that most values are relative and laws are changeable, although rules should be upheld to preserve social order. Stage 6: Principled Conscious Orientation The adult develops and follows self-chosen ethical principles in determining what is right. These ethical principles are part of an articulated integrated, carefully thought-out and consistently followed system of values and principles.
Developmental Course Childhood: Level 1 Adolescents : Level 2 Adult: Level 2 (Level 3?!)
Evaluating Kohlberg Morality is cognitive? Bias (Culture & Gender-Carol Gilligan) Overlap in people’s stages Attitude vs. Action