Finals Week It’s almost here!
Life is all about choices The Trip of a Lifetime Choose a theme, and come up with your dream trip. Must visit a minimum of 5 countries on at least 4 continents. Describing each along the way The Amazing Race I give you guidelines on where you must travel to. You tell me how you will get there and describe each place you go to. Term paper Write a 5 page paper covering one of two topics. First you can compare and contrast two countries from two continents (everything from physical to human geography). Of you can do research on a regional conflict, write about its origins, development, and come up with a solution. Traditional Final Take a 200 question cumulative final
Some more explanation For the amazing race and trip of a lifetime project you can use any of the media sources we used in class. Website, Google docs, or construct a poster This Sunday there will be a breakdown for each option giving you exact details of what is expected for each option posted on my site. You will choose one by next Friday and let me know which one you chose.
Any Questions?