Constitution Vocabulary


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Presentation transcript:

Constitution Vocabulary 2017-2018 Preamble Self Government Document that creates our nations government The first paragraph of the Constitution. It explains what the constitution is meant to do and describes the purpose of the new Government. The idea that people directly control the Government

Constitution Vocabulary 2017-2018 Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch The law-making body of our government responsible for turning citizens wants or needs into laws. The branch in our government that executes or carries out laws. The President is the head of the executive branch. This branch is headed by the supreme court and it interprets the laws.

Constitution Vocabulary 2017-2018 Representative Democracy Amendment Ratify Bill of Rights Federalism Citizens elect people to represent their needs and concerns in government. A change or addition to our Constitution. To make an amendment official and part of the constitution. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The ideal that the national government shares power with the state government. Article 6 says the Federal government is the supreme law of the land.

First 10 Amendments Constitution 2017-2018 Bill of Rights Freedom they provide Amendment I Amendment II Amendment III Freedom of religion, speech, press Assemble peacefully and petition the government. Protects the right to have a regulated state militia and right to bear arms. The government can’t require citizens to house soldiers during peace time.

First 10 Amendments Constitution 2017-2018 Amendment VI Amendment V Amendment VII Protection from unreasonable search and seizure. Declares no one can be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. Guarantees the right to trial by jury in criminal cases. Guarantees the right to trial by jury in most civil cases.

First 10 Amendments Constitution 2017-2018 Amendment VIII Amendment XI Amendment X Prohibits excessive Bail, Fines or punishments. The rights not mentioned in the constitution belong to the people. The powers not given to the national government belong to the state government and the people