Baroque Art The Rise of Russia
Agenda Things to Get: Things to Do: I can… Handouts from the back shelf Things to Do: Opener Renaissance Art Vs. Baroque Learn about Russian History/Absolutism Reforms of Peter the Great I can… Explain how Peter the Great used his Absolutist power to reform Russia and evaluate whether or not he deserved the “great” nickname
Opener Introduction to Art 5 min. Renaissance Your Task: Look for as many similarities and differences in the two paintings displayed. Consider medium, subject, context, characters, arrangement of figures, background, colors, expressions, anatomy, etc. Baroque
Architecture How are the buildings different? How are they similar? Which do you think is the Baroque style? Explain WHY!
Baroque Most elaborate form of art Used to reaffirm the power of the Catholic Church and Absolute Monarchs by visually showing their wealth and power dramatic lighting Massive, highly decorated buildings Action poses Intense emotion
Baroque David by Bernini
A Baroque Room
Russia before Absolutism Russia was still in the Middle Ages with little interaction with Europe There were 3 Social Classes Boyars- nobles Clergy- members of the church Serfs- 95% of the population
Absolutism in Russia Tsar/Czar = Caesar/ Emperor 1613 Michael Romanov begins Romanov Dynasty Dynasty lasts until 1918 Initially czars did not have absolute power- they shared with the church and the boyars
Russia and Peter the Great Watch the video to gain an overview of Russia and Peter the Great
Russia’s Expansionist Politics Initially, Russia’s emergence as a new power in Eastern Europe and Central Asia depended on it gaining freedom from Mongol or Tatar control Cultural and economic disadvantage under Mongol control Under Ivan III, a large part of Russia was freed after 1462 Ivan organized strong army Government had a military emphasis
Russian society: Late 1500s Most Russians remained Christians despite Mongol influence Mongol period reduces the vigor of Russian cultural life (example: lowers level of literacy among priesthood). Economically, trade was down. Russia had become purely agricultural economy based on peasant labor
Patterns of Expansion Territorial expansion focused specifically on central Asia. Desire to push Mongol lords further away Ivan III and IV recruited peasants to migrate to newly seized lands and become a sort of pioneer (Cossacks). They were involved in daring military feats on horseback in this process. Russia does create trading connections with new Asian territories and their neighbors The age old central Asia famous for nomadic groups that constantly invade is now eliminated by Russian expansion and the Ottoman Empire
Expansion! Russia’s Expansion and Development
Time of Troubles Ivan IV dies without an heir. (1584) New power claims by the boyars during this time Sweden and Poland also attack Russian territories 1613, assembly of boyars choose a member of the Romanov family as tsar Romanov family rules Russia until 1917 (Russian Revolution)
Russia’s first Westernization 1690-1790 End of 17th century Russia is one of the great land empires, but, it remained unusually agricultural by standards of the west Reign of Peter I (some say Peter the Great)- built up tsarist control and expands Russian Territory He is also very interested in “Westernizing” Russia
Peter I Read the article provided and complete the questions on your handout. 13 questions, 15 minutes – show me when you are done so I can put in your participation grade.
Legacy and Death of Peter the Great Peter does not completely transform Russia to mirror that of the west No interest in changing to worldwide exports Also, everything in Russia was to support the autocracy not to challenge it with intellectual ideas (like is happening in the West) MANY DO NOT LIKE THE CHANGE, ESPECIALLY THE ONES WHO ARE LEFT OUT Death 1724- Peter the Great dies Followed by a time of weak tsars Only living relative, Elizabeth, takes power 1761, Peter III, nephew of Peter I daughter, reaches the throne but his wife is the powerful one
Exit Slip 1) Who was Louis XIV? 2) What art form did Louis XIV use to show his wealth and power? 3) How did Louis XIV almost bankrupt France? 4) What made Peter the Great “great”? Name two facts. 5) Name one fact that made Peter the Great not “great”?