29. Relations with Non-Muslims Course Instructor Islamic Studies: Omer Rafique
MUSLIM RELATIONS WITH NON- MUSLIM COMMUNITY The history of Islam bears witness to the fact that non-Muslims have always been tolerantly treated in Islam. Every non-Muslim has got the right to practice his faith. He is not forced to accept Islam. As Holy Quran says “There is no compulsion in religion”. As far as personal laws are concerned or the criminal laws, there is no difference between a Muslim & a non-Muslim. The same rules are applied to both. The non-Muslims are allowed to manage their conventions, religious practices, marriages and such other matters as pertain to their family life. As Holy Quran says “Say Oh! Non- Muslims, I worship not that which you worship and Nor will you worship that which I worship….. To you be your way and to me mine”.
Since the Islamic system is ideological in character, therefore, a non- Muslim can not occupy the headship of a Muslim state. For the Khalifa, it is necessary that he must be a believer and must consider promulgation of Islamic laws as his foremost duty. It is very important duty of an Islamic government to protect the life and property of its non-Muslim citizens. Non-Muslims are permitted to take any occupation i.e. agriculture, trade, Military services.
As an international religion Islam gives full respect to the religion, lives, honour, prosperity, traditions and religious practice of the non-Muslims and gives very good picture of relation with Non-Muslims. Non-Muslims are also given employment under the state. This world is a combination of many countries and nations. Today no country or nation can live isolated. Islam as a natural religion provides many a good laws and rules for relations with Non Muslims and teaches how to live with harmony and accommodation with non-muslims.