We Got an award! What?! We have more to do? Grant award
Approved Proposal, Grant Award, and Budget Goals and Objectives What is the commitment regarding time and effort for all involved Special terms and conditions for the Grant Approved budget and justification
Sub-Awards imply collaborative work Pass-Through Entity Institution receiving grant that will generate the sub-award to the sub-recipient Sub-awards Governed by the same rules applicable to the main grant Sub-recipient Non-Federal entity receiving the sub-award to perform part of the project Subject to monitoring audits by the Pass Through Entity and Sponsoring Agency
ufirst Handles all modifications Sub-awards Agreements Moving funds from one project to another project within same grant Updates in dates No cost Extensions Sub-awards Agreements
UFIRST –award compliance Award Compliance Form An Award Compliance Form activity must be completed upon the setup of each new Award or upon the receipt of supplemental funds for a change in scope. This activity must be completed by the PI or the person to whom the PI has formally delegated this responsibility.
UFIRST – Award Compliance
UFIRST – FCOI Certification All Key Personnel listed on an Award must complete the FCOI certification activity. In this activity Key Personnel respond to questions that may aid in identifying a potential conflict of interest. Answers to these questions have additional security applied for privacy. The responses are only viewable by the Division of Sponsored Programs and the Division of Research Compliance.
UFIRST FCOI Certification
sponsors Funds Progress Reports Quarterly Annually End of Project Disbursed Annually Disbursed in Lump Sum Progress Reports Quarterly Annually End of Project
Money! Allocable Reasonable Consistency Sponsor Specific Allowability Items need to directly benefit the project Reasonable Can you justify the costs allocated to the project?? Consistency Treat all cost the same consistently Sponsor Specific Allowability Does the sponsor have certain guidelines/terms & conditions of the grant??
About us Grants Office Will Adams (Pre-Award Main Contact) Tifany Lenoir (Post-Award Main Contact) Christy Dupuis (Review & Approve) Sarah Kazlauskas (Review & Approve) Pathology Grant Office: D6-17