WaterWare description Data management, Objects Monitoring, time series Hydro-meteorological data, forecasts Rainfall-runoff: RRM, floods Irrigation water demand Water budget modelling Water quality: STREAM, SPILL Multi-criteria optimization, DSS User support, system maintenance
Water quality: Covers DO/BOD, conservative and first order decaying tracer species: Basin wide, surface and reservoirs (using the WaterWare topology) Local, open channels (outfalls) Groundwater Coastal marine (ocean outfalls)
STREAM, the network-wide dynamic water quality models uses the WRM dynamic water budget as its basis.
STREAM, the network-wide dynamic water quality models uses the WRM dynamic water budget as its basis.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Object from the OBJECTS DATA BASE.
Related (sewering) technology from the Water Technology Data Base that provides input for the optimization model.
STREAM, the network-wide dynamic water quality model results on the basis of the WRM dynamic water budget model network.
From the underlying topological network (NODES and REACHES, each element can act as a source of pollutants, point sources like cities or industries, waste water treatment plants, or REACHES (lateral inflow with non-point source pollution, mainly from agricultural land use)
STREAM, model results summary: primary output are time series of water quality parameters like DO/BOD for every reach (or NODE inflow) in the network
STREAM (shared with WRM) provide a range of support tools such as “checkers” for complete and correct scenario configurations.
SPILL is an adaptation of the USGS BLTM model, designed for transient conditions (like accidental release) high-resolution in time and space, Or nearfield results downstream of one or more major release points (municipality, industry, treatment plant).
SPILL scenario checker.
SPILL scenario editing, river cross-sections.
SPILL scenario with esily adapted geometry.
Results show an animation of water quality parameters in time along the segment, and break-through curves for user selected simulated observation points.