Rock Island/Milan #41 SMART School Academy September 13 and 14, 2016 Session I - Day 2
P D S A Foundation Concepts Goals: Key ?s S 1. M 2. A 3. R 4. T 5. 2 Time: 30 minutes – Slide 1/3 Purpose: Recall key concepts covered in day 1 AND provide a framework for understanding the multiple purposes for analyzing data. Lecture Notes: This morning we will give you an opportunity to reflect on your learning from yesterday as it relates to the foundation concepts of the SMART School Improvement Process. You will also have a chance to discuss your learning opportunity from last night. There are two parts to our activity this morning. I’ll review them both now and then you can move directly from the first to the second as your team is ready. Activity Notes: Have teams recreate this slide and without looking at their materials, fill in the missing pieces. When they are finished with this piece, they should go onto the second step of the activity which is to process their understanding of the 5 purposes of data as laid out in, “The X Factor is Why.” (See the following slides.) FACILITATOR TIP: The Triangle is the Framework for Shared Responsibility (FOCUS, COLLABORATION and REFLECTION with Leadership Capacity around the sides), the 5 key questions are Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How will we get to where we want to be? What are we learning? Where will we focus next? PDSA – Plan-Do-Study-Act and S2MART – Strategic and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented and Time bound. Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual
A clearly defined purpose boosts the impact of data analysis. The X Factor is ‘Why’ A clearly defined purpose boosts the impact of data analysis. Conzemius, A. (2012) Journal of Staff Development (JSD) Time: 30 minutes – Slide 2/3 Purpose: Understand that data analysis is driven by a specific purpose Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: For the second part of the activity, instruct the teams to recreate the image on the following slide and map out the main ideas of each of the 5 purposes for data analysis. Have them count out by 5 and each take one of the 5 purposes as the “lead” learner. As each describes their assigned purpose, the scribe will document their learning on the image. Then, as a group, ask them to identify 5 data sources (i.e., assessments, logs, rubrics, etc.) that they currently use and put one per post-it note on the purpose that most closely aligns with why they collect and analyze that data source. Resources Required: 3
Data Purpose 1 Purpose 2 Purpose 3 Purpose 4 Purpose 5 Time: 30 minutes – Slide 3/3 Purpose: Focus the debrief of the article Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Demonstrate how identify and plot their assessments / data sources onto the map. Give them 20 minutes to complete the two activities described in the two prior slides. FACILITATOR TIP: Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual
SMART School Improvement Process Step #5 Analyze and refocus Begin again! Step #4 Develop action plans Between Steps Implement plans Step #3 Select strategies Between Steps Explore professional learning options Step #2 Create school SMART goal Between Steps Investigate effective practices Time: 60 minutes (1/15 slides) – 3 minutes Purpose: Introduce the SMART School Improvement Process – Gather and Analyze Data Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Point out the circled meeting in the SMART School Improvement Process. Review the Planning Guide in the Participant Manual on page 26 and answer questions on page 27). Resources Required: Participant Manual, pages 26-27 Step #1 Isolate need Between Steps Gather and analyze data
Data Analysis Data analysis is a cognitive process that helps us understand numbers in relation to something… A standard, target or goal Past performance(s) A normative base Like groups An average or median An ideal Time: 60 minutes (2/15 slides) – 5 minutes Purpose: The importance of understanding data within a context Lecture Notes: The first thing to keep in mind as you begin your process of analyzing data is that the numbers are nothing more than that. They do not become meaningful until you examine your numbers in comparison with some specified benchmark. This list identifies the types of analyses you will be using throughout this process. In some cases you’ll be looking at how your students doing relative to an expected performance on a standard, target or goal. You’ll also be looking at how your students are doing now relative to how they have done in the past. Comparing your students’ performance to a normative base (i.e. a standardized test that has been given to thousands of students of the same age / grade etc.) provides some insights into your students’ relative performance nationally, internationally or state wide. A more helpful comparison is to examine how you are doing relative to students in other districts or schools that are most like yours either demographically, socio-economically or by size of school / district. Comparisons to an average (like a state average or even a district average) has advantages in terms of ease of use but ultimately must be broken down or disaggregated so that you have a better idea of what to do about what you’re seeing in the data. Finally, comparing your current results to an ideal has motivational qualities that are often at the heart of why we entered the profession in the first place. We will be using all of these analysis types as we move through the SMART School Improvement Process. Activity Notes: Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual
GREATEST AREA OF NEED (GAN) Analysis of School Subject (Accountability Gap, Proficiency Gap and Change Over Time Gap) Analysis of School Standards or Skills (Zone Analysis) Analysis of School Sub-groups (Zone Analysis) Time: 60 minutes (3/15 slides) – 2 minutes Purpose: Introduce the series of analyses needed to write a SMART goal based on the school’s Greatest Area of need Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 28 Lecture Notes: SMART Learning Systems is known for how we transfer the Pareto Principle (you’ll learn more about that in Step #2) into a school’s Greatest Area of Need (GAN). Determining the GAN requires examining three different layers of data. First we will examine School SUBJECT data (click), next the School Standards or Skills (click) and finally the School Sub-groups (click). After the data analysis is completed, all results are used to write a School SMART Goal (click). Identify School SMART Goal 7
Analysis of School Subject GAN GREATEST AREA OF NEED (GAN) Analysis of School Subject (Accountability Gap, Proficiency Gap and Change Over Time Gap) Time: 60 minutes (4/15 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 28 Purpose: Illustrate our starting point for beginning this step in the data analysis process Lecture Notes: Activity Notes:
Analysis of School Subject GAN Accountability Gap (District or State Target) What is it? Why is it important? Proficiency Gap (100% Target) What is it? Why is it important? Time: 60 minutes (5/15) – 15 minutes including chart showing three runs over time in Reading, Math and Writing. Purpose: Define three methods to find the School Subject GAN Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages 29-30 Lecture Notes: We are slicing and dicing the data in a variety of ways. Why 3? We want to be sure you’re focusing on the “right” subject area. 1. Explain ACCOUNTABILITY Gap = How far your most recent data (% meets or exceeds) is from the target to which you will be held could be an AYP target, a state target, or the district’s target choice, in this case of 90%. The 90% is a lofty target that sets the context for overall improvement. Importance: This is what gets reported in the media, what parents and politicians pay attention to. 2. Explain PERFORMANCE Gap = How far your current performance (% meets or exceeds) is from 100% of the kids being proficient (meet or exceed). Importance: 100% is our vision. We want all students to be proficient (% meets or exceeds). 3. Explain CHANGE OVER TIME = How far your current performance (% meets or exceeds) is from where you started. Importance: shows improvement (or not) over time and helps validate the accountably and proficiency gaps. Activity Notes: Pair/share. Using the participant manual restate and record what each gap means and discuss their importance. FACILITATOR NOTE: Collect responses to verify understanding of each gap method. FACILITATOR TIP: Think of this as the participants first “touch point” of learning the three types of gaps. The terminology could be new. Upcoming activities are designed to reinforce their understanding. Change Over Time What is it? Why is it important?
Data Matrix Example Reading Math Writing 89 78 83 87 75 82 85 68 65 81 School-wide Data % Meets / Exceeds Reading Math Writing Most Recent Results 89 78 83 Prior Year 87 75 82 85 68 65 81 Baseline 80 58 Time: 60 minutes (6/15) - Slides 10-18 will take approximately 15 minutes Purpose: Start with data… our example Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: We will walk you through an example using school-wide data. The data here will help you see how we find the subject GAN using the three different methods: Accountability Gap, Proficiency Gap and Change Over Time. Note the data is over time, multiple subjects. This data is the % where students meet or exceeds the standards on a state test. First step in organizing your data is to array data by year and tested subject. We will look closer at % of all students who have met/exceeded standards in three subjects each year and how it connects to finding the GAN (next slide). CLICK For the Accountability Gap, we will be using the most recent results we have for the state test. Activity Notes: 10
Finding the Accountability Gap School-wide Data Performance Target = 90-95% Meets / Exceeds Subject/Year Reading Math Writing Target Performance 95 90 Most Recent Results 89 78 83 Accountability Gap -6 -12 -7 Time: 60 minutes (7/15) Purpose: Show how Accountability Gap is determined Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: Simply subtract the given target (in this case the targets that have been given to the school were provided by the district and differ depending on subject area 95% in Reading and 90% in Math and Writing) (click) from the most recent data (Year 5) (click) collected. The result in Reading is a -6 gap, Math a -12 gap and Writing a -7 gap. FACILITATOR TIP: Next slide shows the results one more time for discussion. Activity Notes: 11
Finding the Accountability GAP District or State Target Target Performance = 90-95% Meets / Exceeds Reading Math Writing Method 1 – ACCOUNTABILITY GAP: For the current year, what is the gap between percent meeting or exceeding and your district’s or state’s target performance? 95 89 -6 90 78 -12 83 -7 Time: 60 minutes (8/15) Purpose: Show how Accountability Gap is determined Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: The team has identified Math as its largest accountability gap. However, this is only one of three views of the data so it is too soon to tell whether this is our GAN. FACILITATOR TIP: Next slide shows the results one more time for discussion. Activity Notes: Ask for clarifying questions about Accountability Gap. What new understanding do you have about accountability gap? 12
Data Matrix Example Reading Math Writing 89 78 83 87 75 82 85 68 65 81 School-wide Data % Meets / Exceeds Reading Math Writing Most Recent Results 89 78 83 Prior Year 87 75 82 85 68 65 81 Baseline 80 58 Time: 60 minutes (9/15) Purpose: Show how the Proficiency Gap is determined Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: For the Proficiency Gap, we will again be using the most recent results we have for the state test. FACILITATOR TIP: Next slide shows the results one more time for discussion. Activity Notes: 13
Finding the Proficiency Gap School-wide Data Target Performance = 100% Meets / Exceeds Subject/Year Reading Math Writing Target Performance 100 Most Recent Results 89 78 83 Accountability Gap -11 -22 -17 Time: 60 minutes (10/15) Purpose: Show how Proficiency Gap is determined Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: This time our target performance is 100% (the ideal) Simply subtract the most recent results for each subject area from 100%. The result in Reading is a -11 gap, Math a -22 gap and Writing a -17 gap. FACILITATOR TIP: Next slide shows the results one more time for discussion. Activity Notes: 14
Finding the Proficiency GAP Target Performance = 100% Meets / Exceeds Reading Math Writing Method 2 – PROFICIENCY GAP: For the current year, what is the gap between the percent meeting or exceeding and 100%? 100 89 -11 78 -22 83 -17 Time: 60 minutes (11/15) Purpose: Show how the PROFICIENCY Gap is determined. Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: When we look at Proficiency it also looks like we should focus on math. It has the greatest proficiency gap. However, there is one more view of the data that the team will use before deciding on its subject GAN. Activity Notes: Ask for clarifying questions about the Proficiency Gap. What new understanding do you have about the Proficiency gap? 15
Data Matrix Example Reading Math Writing 89 78 83 87 75 82 85 68 65 81 School-wide Data % Meets / Exceeds Reading Math Writing Most Recent Results 89 78 83 Prior Year 87 75 82 85 68 65 81 Baseline Results 80 58 Time: 60 minutes (12/15) Purpose: Introduce Change Over Time Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: Our final Gap Analysis is to look at data over time. In our example, we have 5 years of data. We’ll be using the most recent data and our “oldest” data which is our baseline performance for this test. Activity Notes: 16
Finding Change Over Time Gap School-wide Data % Meets / Exceeds Subject/ Year Reading Math Writing Most Recent Results 89 78 83 Baseline Results 80 58 Change Over Time +9 +20 +3 Time: 60 minutes (13/15) Purpose: Show how Change Over Time is determined Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: Simply subtract the oldest data from the most recent data. Note that this gap may be expressed as a positive number, indicating that there has been an improvement in the results over time. When we look at the change over time gap, it looks like we should focus on writing since it has made the least amount of change over time. This is telling us a different story from what the other two gaps have told us. Our first indication of why we would want to look at multiple methods to determine gaps. We recommend that you always look at this data in a graph using all five years so that you can detect the pattern of change over time. Let’s see what it looks like in our data matrix worksheet. Also, what that means when we look at all three gaps (next slide). Activity Notes: 17
Finding Change Over Time Gap School-wide Data % Meets or Exceeds Reading Math Writing Method 3 – CHANGE OVER TIME GAP: From your first year of data to present day, how much change has occurred in percent meeting or exceeding? 89 80 +9 78 58 +20 83 +3 Time: 60 minutes (14/15) Purpose: Model how to find Change Over Time Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 31 Lecture Notes: This team decided that since Math was on a strong path upward, they would focus their attention on writing, which had the next largest accountability and proficiency gaps and has shown the least amount of growth over time. Activity Notes: Ask for clarifying questions about Change Over Time. What new understanding do you have about Change Over Time? 18
School Subject GAN Results Reading Math Writing Method 1 - Accountability Gap: For the current year, what is the gap between percent meeting or exceeding and your district’s or state’s target performance? -1 -12 -7 Method 2 - Proficiency Gap: For the current year, what is the gap between the percent meeting or exceeding and 100%? -11 -22 -17 Method 3 - Change Over Time Gap: From your first year of data to present day, how much change has occurred in percent meeting or exceeding? +9 +20 +3 Time: 60 minutes (15/15) – Activity will take approximately 20 minutes Purpose: Summarize the Gap Analysis process Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual; Activity pages are 35-46 Lecture Notes: It is rare that a team will find a clearly determined GAN across all three analyses. This process creates the conversation that must occur to come to a concensus about which area the school should select as it’s focus. What are some of the variables that might play a role in influencing what a team decides to pick as its GAN? Activity Notes: On pages 32-36, you’ll find data matrices populated with scores on assessments most used in WI to determine GAN, along with calculations llustrating how GAN would be determined by grade level. For practice, turn to pages 37-45 where you will find Gap Analysis matrices and worksheets for calculating GAN at the Elementary, Middle and High School levels. Each contain three grade levels. You will use the data scenario at the tops of the pages to plug into the worksheets below where you will conduct your calculations. Choose just one level (E, M, HS) to work on as a team. Once you have completed your calculations, discuss which area you would focus on as your school subject GAN and put that subject in the box on page 46. Answer the questions on the bottom of page 46. 19
Break Time: 15 minutes Purpose: Indicates a break Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Play music or use timer (optional). Sound the reminder, 5 minutes before returning. Resources Required: Audience Reaction:
Analysis of the School Standards or Skills GREATEST AREA OF NEED (GAN) Analysis of School Subject (Accountability Gap, Proficiency Gap and Change Over Time Gap) Analysis of School Standards or Skills (Zone Analysis) Time: 60 minutes (1/10 slides) Purpose: Transition slide to introduce – Analysis of School Standards or Skills Data using the Zone Analysis Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 47 Lecture Notes: Our next GAN Analysis is determining the Standards or Skills GAN (2 clicks). Activity Notes: 21
Disaggregation – One Mean of Central Tendency Time: 60 minutes (2/10) Purpose: Unpack aggregate statistics Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 53 Lecture Notes: Disaggregation is an analytical process that means, “to take apart the aggregate or whole.” Examples include aggregate statistics such as mean (average), median and mode; school or grade-level performance comparisons based on normative results; whole student populations that might otherwise be subdivided by performance levels or demographic characteristics. Disaggregation helps us to understand the whole by looking closely at the parts – that’s what makes it analytical. What you cannot do in the analytical process is 1) understand the synergistic nature of the parts working together; nor 2) predict performance of the whole or even of the parts (unless you have multiple years of analytical data). What you gain in conducting a disaggregation analysis is a better understanding of the relative performance of the parts – to the whole and to each other. Look at the chart, One Measure of Central Tendency. N= 100; Average scores 100 – 500; three years of data; Proficient = 300. Year 1 – average score is 200 Year 2 – average score is 250 Year 3 – average score is 300 What can you say about the average performance of these students as a whole? The average performance is increasing over time. Can we say that the numbers of children meeting proficiency standards is increasing? Do we know how many children are proficient vs. not proficient? NO to both questions. Recall that an average includes all data points which might include very high and very low scores. Simply knowing the average (aggregate performance) of this student population does not help us know anything about numbers of children or the spread of scores in the sample. Activity Notes:
Disaggregation – 2 zones Time: 60 minutes (3/10) Purpose: Unpack aggregate statistics Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 53 Lecture Notes: Let look at the next chart, 2 Zones. We’ve taken apart the average into proficient vs. not proficient. When you look at the data this way, you can see that in every year, 40% of the kids are proficient and 60% of the kids are not proficient. Conclusion – No improvement over time. How can that be if the average performance is increasing? Activity Notes:
Disaggregation – 4 zones Time: 60 minutes (4/10) Purpose: Unpack aggregate statistics Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 53 Lecture Notes: Let look at the next chart, 4 Zones. You can see in this table that, though the split is still 40/60, there has been improvement over time. By splitting proficient and not proficient scores into subcategories of highly proficient vs. proficient and nearly proficient vs. not proficient, the movement of students into higher levels of performance over time shows that something is working according to plan. Also, now we can identify individual students and differentiate strategies for helping them achieve at the next highest levels. Activity Notes:
Traffic Light Time: 60 minutes (5/10) Purpose: Introduce zone analysis Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 47 Lecture Notes: We use “traffic light” as a metaphor to determine a 4 zone analysis. It serves as a way to code a range of scores. Red = Danger! Stop doing what you’re doing because its not working for these kids. Yellow = Slow down. Proceed with caution. These students are not yet meeting the standard but may be approaching it OR they may be dangerously close to the red-zone. You need to look at their data more closely. Green = “Just right – full speed ahead” Blue = (click) We’ll add blue as our the Sky’s the Limit – Stretch, enhance, enrich Activity Notes: 25
Partially Meets or Does Not Meet Conversion Chart Expectations PSAT 8/9/10 Section Score (120-760) SAT 11 (200-800) MAP % Meeting Goal Targets PARCC % Meets / Exceeds ESSAY Rubric (1-6) QUIZ % Correct BLUE ZONE Exceeds 650-760 750-800 65-100 85-100 5-6 90-100 GREEN ZONE Meets 500-649 500-749 50-64 70-84 4 77-89 YELLOW ZONE Approaching 250-499 300-499 35-49 45-69 3 60-76 RED ZONE Partially Meets or Does Not Meet <250 <300 <35 <45 1-2 <60 Time: 60 minutes (6/10) Purpose: Transfer concept of Traffic light to test scores Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 47 and highlighters (Blue/Green/Yellow/Pink). Lecture Notes: This conversion chart is a way to “go visual” with the traffic light metaphor. These percentages/cut scores should reflect the actual data ranges of the actual data you will be analyzing. They are not cut scores for the purposes of determining who is or is not meeting standards. Instead, they provide a relative look at the range of scores you are analyzing. Activity Notes: Highlight the chart on the bottom of page 47 26
School Standard GAN: Writing % Meets or Exceeds Revising and Editing Literary Elements & Techniques Analysis & Critical Evaluation Composition Basic Under-standing Yr 5 38 70 65 82 81 Yr 4 22 68 61 79 Yr 3 34 69 52 80 Yr 2 16 64 37 67 71 Yr 1 29 55 41 Time: 60 minutes (7/10) Purpose: Transfer the conversation chart to the data Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 49-51 and highlighters Lecture Notes: Going back to our sample, writing was the GAN which means that we will look at the specific writing standards to determine where, in writing, to focus our goal and our instructional improvements. Work through this with the group. When they work with their own data they’ll want to look at standards that are in the red and yellow zone historically. Can apply the same method of “change over time” to these scores as well. Activity Notes: Ask the audience to select one of the school levels (E, M, HS) on pages 49-51 and color code all three tables 27
GREATEST AREA OF NEED (GAN) Analysis of School Subject (Accountability Gap, Proficiency Gap and Change Over Time Gap) Analysis of School Standards or Skills (Zone Analysis) Analysis of School Sub-groups (Zone Analysis) Time: 60 minutes (8/10) Purpose: Apply zone analysis to subgroups Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 54-56 and highlighters Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: 28
Partially Meets or Does Not Meet Conversion Chart Expectations PSAT 8/9/10 Section Score (120-760) SAT 11 (200-800) MAP % Meeting Goal Targets PARCC % Meets / Exceeds ESSAY Rubric (1-6) QUIZ % Correct BLUE ZONE Exceeds 650-760 750-800 65-100 85-100 5-6 90-100 GREEN ZONE Meets 500-649 500-749 50-64 70-84 4 77-89 YELLOW ZONE Approaching 250-499 300-499 35-49 45-69 3 60-76 RED ZONE Partially Meets or Does Not Meet <250 <300 <35 <45 1-2 <60 Time: 60 minutes (9/10) Purpose: Show which column to use for the subgroup analysis Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 54-56 and highlighters Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: 29
“To me, the most important thing is that we never reduce kids or our profession to numbers, but that we use whatever tools we can to make sure that what we’re doing is really making a difference.” Time: 60 minutes (10/10) Purpose: Putting data analysis into perspective Resources Required: Activity Notes: Think/Pair/Share reactions to this quote from a teacher. (1 minute) Lecture Notes: The GAN and Zone analysis tools you have just learned are just that…tools to make sure that what you are doing is making a difference AND help you know where to focus your improvement efforts so that all students benefit. ~ middle school teacher
LUNCH Time: 30 minutes Purpose: Indicates lunch time Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Play music or use timer (optional). Sound the reminder, 5 minutes before returning. Resources Required:
GREATEST AREA OF NEED (GAN) Analysis of School Subject (Accountability Gap, Proficiency Gap and Change Over Time) Analysis of School Standards or Skills (Zone Analysis) Analysis of School Sub-groups (Zone Analysis) Time: 20 minutes (1/13 slides) Purpose: Transition slide to introduce Step #2 Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual Lecture Notes: All of the analyses we conducted to determine GAN at the subject, standards and subgroup levels provide the data we will need to create our school SMART Goal. Activity Notes: Identify School SMART Goal 32
SMART School Improvement Process Step #5 Analyze and refocus Begin again! Step #4 Develop action plans Between Steps Implement plans Step #3 Select strategies Between Steps Explore professional learning options Step #2 Create school SMART goal Between Steps Investigate effective practices Time: 20 minutes (2/13 slides) Purpose: Transition slide to introduce Step #2 Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 57-58 Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Do a quick read of page 57 describing Step #2 of the SMART School Improvement Process. Answer the questions on page 58. Step #1 Isolate need Between Steps Gather and analyze data
SMART Strategic + Specific Measurable Attainable Results oriented Time bound Time: 20 minutes (3/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 59 Purpose: Reconnect with the meaning of SMART Lecture Notes: As a reminder, SMART is an acronym. It defines the criteria that for assuring that school goals are well defined, measureable and time bound.
SMART Goals focus on the few things most likely to have the greatest impact! Time: 20 minutes (4/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 61 Purpose: Why SMART works Lecture Notes: SMART Goals FOCUS us, not on just anything, but on the things that are most likely to have an impact on our Greatest Area of Need (GAN). 35
Pareto Principle 80% of the trouble is caused by 20% of the problems Time: 20 minutes (5/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 61 and The Handbook for SMART School Teams, pages 8-9 and 148. Purpose: Introduce Pareto Principle Lecture Notes: Define Pareto Principal and share your own example of a Pareto Principal. FACILITATOR NOTE: Very important slide for your audience to capture. Activity Notes: 1. Read page 9 in their Handbook for SMART School Teams and the side bar example on pages 8 and 9. Then page 148. 2. Then ask them to state the Pareto Principle in their own words and to think of examples of the Pareto Principle in action (discipline referrals, attendance/tardy, homework assignments completed, etc.). Same principle applies in focusing on ONE goal area. Refer to Emily Calhoun’s research on the “singular power of one goal” and why this is so important. 3. The calculations we did to derive the school’s GAN is based on this principle. Pareto is a foundational concept for why GAN and hence, SMART Goals work. FACILITATOR NOTE: This is a BIG shift for most people! Many school improvement plans document everything the school is doing, with very little focus. It’s hard for people to believe that focusing for improvement in ONE area will raise the levels of achievement in other areas. Used with permission from Oriel Inc. Pages 9-10, 179, and 181-183 36
SMART Goals focus on results. Time: 20 minutes (6/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 61 Purpose: Why SMART works Lecture Notes: SMART Goals focus on Results. Activity Notes: 37
PROCESS RESULT Following a recipe Time: 20 minutes (7/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 61 Purpose: Visual to enhance SMART Goals focus on results Lecture Notes: The difference between WHAT you’re trying to accomplish and HOW you’re going to get there is process vs. results. You can’t select the appropriate HOW (i.e. recipe) until you know WHAT you want to bake (a cake, a pie, a meatloaf.) Both process AND results are important. Most of our goals in education have been process goals. The results goal allows you many different ways to reach a goal whereas a process goal defines one way. When your goals focus on results, you as professionals have a tremendous latitude and freedom to try a variety of methods or strategies for achieving them. If the goal is a process, you can only do one thing – implement the process or in this case, follow the recipe. FACILITATOR TIP: Develop your own process and result story to share with the audience. Activity Notes: Think/Pair/Share Think about something you have wanted to accomplish in your life (getting a degree, building a house, adopting a child). What was the result? What was the process you used to achieve that result? Take a moment to share that with someone at your table. Let’s take a look at a couple of educational examples. (Next 2 slides) 38
Implement an integrated math/science curriculum. PROCESS GOAL Increase passing rate of incoming freshmen. RESULTS GOAL Time: 20 minutes (8/13 slides) Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual Purpose: Activity to enhance the learning Activity Notes: Show slide without process and results labels. Ask individuals to identify which statement is a process vs. results goal. Click the answer… Go on to next slide 39
RESULTS GOAL PROCESS GOAL Increase numbers of students who are reading by the end of 3rd grade. PROCESS GOAL Time: 20 minutes (9/13 slides) Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual Purpose: Activity to enhance the learning Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Show slide without process and results labels. Ask individuals to identify which statement is a process vs. results goal. Click the answer… Develop a balanced literacy program for primary students. 40
SMART Goals have both short and long term impact. Time: 20 minutes (10/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, 62 Purpose: Why SMART works Lecture Notes: Why is this important? Our brains are hard-wired for feedback and we thrive on it. If we have to wait for a year (i.e. measure our success using only our state tests), we feel as though we have very little control over the outcome. But if we have both long and short term targets, we can gather evidence along the way. Activity Notes: 41
Grade/Dept. Level: Incremental School-wide: Grade/Dept. Level: Incremental Breakthrough DESIRED GAP Time: 20 minutes (11/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 62 and The Handbook for SMART School Teams, pages 2-4 Purpose: Visual to enhance SMART Goals have both short and long term impact Lecture Notes: Longer term SMART Goals focus on “breakthrough” (big) improvements. Obviously, those tend to take longer (at the school level we say 2-3 years out). In order to reach a desired goal a break-through gap must be closed. The greater the gap, the easier it is to close it. The closer you get to the gap, the harder it is to close it. Grade level or department supporting SMART Goals are much shorter in duration (yearly, quarterly or by semester), allowing us to measure along the way using PDSA—plan a change, try it out (do), study results, act by incorporating it into daily practice if it works. When we can SEE the impact of our efforts quickly we become more motivated, want to try harder, will believe in ourselves more. Those incremental improvements add up to great gains over time—we need to close both types of gaps. BASELINE 42
SMART Goals are written at different levels. Time: 20 minutes (12/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 62 Purpose: Why SMART works Lecture Notes: Another reason SMART works is that it aligns with different levels of goals throughout the organization. Activity Notes: 43
Levels of SMART Goals Challenging, inspiring and strategic, far-reaching goals District Goal(s): 3-5 years Prioritized goal(s) & targets based on a school’s unique student population School Goal(s): 2-3 years with yearly supporting team goals Goals focused on specific content knowledge, skills & standards Team / PLC Goals: (grade level or dept.) quarter, semester, year Time: 20 minutes (13/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 62 Purpose: Visual to enhance SMART Goals are written at different levels Lecture Notes: When SMART Goals are aligned throughout the organization there is high leverage for improvement overall. Begin with the largest intended goal-the district goal (click) taking 5 years to attain. The district goal should align with all subsequent goals bringing coherence to the organization. This workshop focus’ on writing a School SMART Goal (click). The School SMART Goal will take 2-3 years to reach with supporting yearly team goal. The next important level are Team Goals, focused on students in specific grade level or department GAN’s. They are shorter in duration. Finally, students write their own SMART Goals. Can you see how powerful this scenario would be? Activity Notes: Goals focused on student growth Individual Student Goals: Unit, Course, Skill, Standard 44
The Tree Diagram is… A graphic organizer A collaborative planning tool A template for making goals SMARTer Time: 40 minutes (1/31 slides) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Define SMART Tree Diagram Lecture Notes: Tree diagram is a simple graphic organizer—just a tool—from the Quality Toolbox. Consider graphic organizers you use right now (planners, PDA’s, etc.)—what are their benefits? (visual, keep you organized, pulls many ideas together in one place, keeps you accountable). A graphic organizer like this keeps you focused, together, working the plan. The Tree Diagram template helps you make your goals SMARTer—making sure you have all elements in place for a focused goal. Activity Notes:
SMART Goal Tree Template Results Goal Indicators Measures Targets Time: 40 minutes (2/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 63 and The Handbook for SMART School Teams, pages 105, 108, 269-272, 287. Purpose: Introduce the SMART Tree Diagram template Lecture Notes: Define each element of the SMART Tree in a general way… Just enough to capture their interest. School Results Goal: This is where you write your RESULTS goal statement, School Indicators: These are SPECIFIC skills, knowledge, or behaviors that you will monitor so you that you know your results are being achieved. School Measures: MEASURES are the tools you will use to monitor each indicator. Multiple measurement tools (or ways of knowing) are recommended. School Targets: Targets specify how much progress you want to make within a given timeframe.
SMART Goal Tree Template School Results Goal School Indicators School Measures School Targets “R” Plug your Results Goal in here “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “A” and “T” “M” “A” and “T” “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “A” and “T” “M” “A” and “T” Time: 40 minutes (3/31) Purpose: Introduce the SMART Tree Diagram Template Resources Required: Not in participant manual and The Power of SMART Goals, pages 17-24 Lecture Notes: Each set of boxes on the goal tree are strategically connected as a system of goal components. No one box is considered SMART but once the goal tree is complete, it meets all of the criteria of SMART. It becomes your plan for achieving your goal and for monitoring your progress toward your goal over time. Results Goal: This box is based on your GAN. It captures the big picture of the RESULTS you want to achieve, the “R” part of SMART Indicators: Indicators help you go from a broad or comprehensive intended RESULT (point to yellow box) to a set of manageable skills or standards that, when achieved, lead to goal attainment. This is the “S” part of SMART. Measures: MEASURES, the “M” part of SMART, identify how you will know if your are making progress toward your goal. Targets: Targets specify how much progress you want to make within a given timeframe. How much TIME will it take to ATTAIN these results? Targets are where we build in the “T” and the “A” parts of SMART “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “A” and “T” “M” “A” and “T”
Bill’s SMART Goal Tree In 10 months, improve my physical fitness. Results Goal Indicators Measures Targets In 10 months, improve my physical fitness. Weight Loss Scale 2 lbs. each week Size of clothes From size X to size Y Cardiovascular Fitness Blood pressure From 135/100 to 100/60 Heart rate Resting < 100 Active < 180 Time: 40 minutes (4/31) Purpose: Personal example Resources Required: Not in participant manual Lecture Notes: Start with an example that the audience can relate to personally. Bill had a vision to improve his life. He could have chosen a spiritual, economic, social, or an emotional goal to reach his vision. Through reflection, he determined that the greatest area of need to reach this vision was physical fitness. So Bill wrote a results goal stating that in 10 months (time bound) he would improve (attainable) his physical fitness (specific area). This is not completely SMART, it is a broad results goal that will become SMART as we complete the Tree Diagram. He needed to determine what specific elements of fitness would best help him meet his goal. For him, it was weight loss, cardiovascular fitness and energy level. Next, he needed to determine how he would measure each element or indicator. You can see that the measurements his selected were directly related to the indicator. It makes sense to use a scale to measure weight loss but it doesn’t make sense to use a scale to measure cardiovascular fitness, does it? Also, note that the measurements listed are both formative and summative type assessments. He actually wrote in his journal each week, developed a rubric to assess his energy level and how it changed. Note connection between the measures and target. Lastly, he had to determine his targets. How much progress does he want to see on his health indicator? FACILITATOR NOTE: What does “from average 3 to 4” mean? (rubric for the day, 4= very good) Activity Notes: Was Bill successful in building his tree? What more would you want to know about his goal? Is it attainable? How would you know? Can you make it even SMARTer? What else would you want to do now that you know the goal? (3 minutes) FACILITATOR NOTE: - One thing we don’t know is how much weight loss is desirable based on his starting point. In this scenario, if Bill loses 2 pounds per week over ten months, he’ll drop 80 pounds. - The timeframe for each target should reflect what’s doable and what’s desirable (e.g. 2 pounds a week for weight loss could be reasonable whereas dropping a size might take a month.) - By specifying how quickly he wants to see change, he will be better able to select the appropriate strategies or methods to get him there. - What is missing are the methods he will need to engage in to reach the targets. (Show next slide) Energy Level Journal From avg. 3 to avg. 4
Bill’s Goal-Focused Plan VISION: Have a high quality of life Method Exercise Classes Healthy Eating Support Group Time: 40 minutes (5/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Connect the SMART Goal to vision and methods Lecture Notes: Yes, there is more Bill could do to connect with his SMART Goal. The SMART Tree Diagram is “what” – not how I’m going to do about it. Methods, best practices, strategies, programs, processes are the actions for making goals a reality. In the case of Bill, he researched what really works in his target areas and then determined which methods to try. He joined an exercise class, went on a diet, had a fitness coach, and joined a support group. SMART Goals are gap closers toward overall vision, in this case high quality life.
Time: 40 minutes (6/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Transition/Image Lecture Notes: Use this picture of a School SMART Goal to show the end result of the work we are about to begin. A school leadership team created this School SMART Goal to take back to their staff for review, rewrite and finally approval for all to commit their energy to this focus. 50
SMART Goal Tree Template School Results Goal School Indicators School Measures School Targets “R” Plug your Results Goal in here Time: 40 minutes (7/31) Purpose: Introduce the SMART Tree Diagram Template Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual. Power of SMART Goals page 19 Lecture Notes: Define each element of the SMART Tree in a general way. Illustrate the connection between what they put into their box on page 46 (derived from their data GAN analysis) is the basis determining what the “R” part of their goal will focus on. Results Goal: This is where you write your RESULTS goal statement, the “R” part of SMART.
School Results Goal What is it? It is a statement which incorporates the School Subject Greatest Area of Need (GAN), % of students who will attain the results in a determined amount of time (2-3 years). Time: 40 minutes (8/31 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 64 Purpose: Define a results goal Lecture Notes: Describe what it is. 52
Process Using Multiple Measures Results Goal Process Using Multiple Measures Verify GAN using multiple measures. District Benchmark Assessments & Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Compare mean RIT scores by subject Compare mean RIT scores to norms Compare % meeting growth targets by subject Compare % meeting growth targets to norms Time: 40 minutes (9/31 slides) Purpose: Identify various data sources for enhancing your understanding of your GAN / Results area Resources Required: Not in the Participant Manual Lecture Notes: Recall that your calculation of GAN was based on one measure – the state test. At this time you’re going to want to verify your decision with other results. This slide illustrates other useful measures for validating your school GAN Activity Notes: 53
School Subject Data % Meets / Exceeds Time: 40 minutes (10/31 slides) Purpose: Graphing the data validates the School Subject GAN Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 64 Lecture Notes: When you create a School SMART Goal you always start with data. We will use the school-wide data example from my demonstration where it was determined that writing was the GAN (click). It is always helpful to graph your results over time so you can see the trends and patterns. It helps to solidify the team’s commitment to their GAN Activity Notes: Using your own data, graph your school subject scores over time.
Formula Example By (3 years out), ____% of our students will School Results Goal School Results Goal By (3 years out), ____% of our students will meet or exceed standards in (subject). By 2019, 90% of our students will meet or exceed standards in WRITING. Time: 40 minutes (11/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 64 Purpose: Visual transfer of knowledge Lecture Notes: Show the formula, then the example. FACILITATOR NOTE: Begin to tell a story. In three years the school believed they could attain 90% of all students meeting or exceeding standards in writing. Activity Notes: Provide time for the teams to write their school results goal on a sticky note. Use their data results from the previous day-ALL GAN Results. Place the results goal sticky note on the SMART Goal Tree template drawn in the previous activity. 55
SMART Goal Tree Template School Results Goal School Indicators School Measures School Targets “R” Plug your Results Goal in here “S” Specific Area of Concern “S” Specific Area of Concern Time: 40 minutes (12/31) Resources Required: Not in the Participant Manual. The Power of SMART Goals, page 20 Purpose: Connect data to the SMART Goal Tree Lecture Notes: Indicators are placed in the boxes directly connected to the Results Goal because they define, more specifically, what areas of the Result Goal the school needs to work on for improvement. “S” Specific Area of Concern
School Indicators What are they? They are standards, skills or evidence of performance that comprise or lead to proficiency in the School Results Goal. Time: 40 minutes (13/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 65 Purpose: Define indicators Lecture Notes: Indicators come from your standards or skills data. They might also come from the subject strands on your summative achievement tests. You may also want to go back to your individual post-it notes from the Affinity process conducted in Step #1 (Isolate the Need) to see if your perceived indicators match the data. 57
Process Using Multiple Measures School Indicators Process Using Multiple Measures Verify your standards and skills GAN using multiple measures. District Benchmark Assessments & Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Relative performance across standards Alignment of results across measures Percent meeting growth targets by strand Compare to national norms Time: 40 minutes (14/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Define indicators Lecture Notes: As with the GAN, if using other than state assessment data, these processes will help the team understand where their relative strengths and weaknesses occur within the GAN area. 58
School Standard GAN: Writing % Meets or Exceeds Revising & Editing Literary Elements & Techniques Analysis & Critical Evaluation Composition Basic Under-standing Yr 5 38 70 65 82 81 Yr 4 22 68 61 79 Yr 3 34 69 52 80 Yr 2 16 64 37 67 71 Yr 1 29 55 41 Time: 40 minutes (15/31) Resources Required: School data packets Purpose: Transfer concept of zone analysis to Goal Tree Lecture Notes: Indicators are derived from the zone analysis you conducted on the standards and skills portions of your state and formative assessments. 59
Formula Example By (3 years out), ____% of our students will School Results Goal School Indicators School Results Goal School Indicators Tested standard in the School GAN Revising & Editing By (3 years out), ____% of our students will meet or exceed standards in (subject). By 2019, 90% of our students will meet or exceed standards in WRITING. Tested standard in the School GAN Literary Elements & Techniques Time: 40 minutes (16/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 65 Purpose: Provides a visual of the formula in the graphic organizer Activity Notes: Ask the audience to use the data from the GAN activities and begin to build a SMART Goal. Remind them to use sticky notes to build the tree. Tested standard in the School GAN Analysis & Critical Evaluation 60
SMART Goal Tree Template School Results Goal School Indicators School Measures School Targets “R” Plug your Results Goal in here “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “M” “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “M” Time: 40 minutes (17/31) Resources Required: The Power of SMART Goals, pages 20 Purpose: Focus where the team is on the SMART Goal Tree Lecture Notes: Measures are specific to the skill or standard being assessed. Each indicator will be monitored through the use of these measures. It is possible that they would be the same measures (e.g. district benchmark assessment) but not always. For example, if one of the indicators is a skill, the measure might be a performance based assessment with a rubric as opposed to a tested standard which would be measured via a paper-pencil or online test. “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “M”
School Measures What are they? They are multiple assessments used to monitor progress toward the School Results Goal. Measures are aligned to the Indicators. Time: 40minutes (18/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 66 Purpose: Define measures Lecture Notes: Measures need to be balanced in both formative and summative assessments. The measures assess the Indicators. Activity Notes: 62
School Measures State assessment (annual/summative) Common assessment or district benchmark assessment (fall/spring…formative/summative) Common grade-level or departmental formative assessments Time: 40 minutes (19/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 66 Purpose: Possible measures Lecture Notes: Listed are multiple types of assessments given at different times of the year. This is just a short list of possible assessments that could be used in a SMART Goal. Activity Notes: Compile a list of other assessments which you presently are using that could be considered as school-wide measures. (2 minutes)
Formula Example Revising & Editing 2019 Time: 40 minutes (20/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 66 Purpose: Visual transfer of knowledge Lecture Notes: Show the formula, then the example. Activity Notes: Provide time for the teams to document the measures on sticky notes. Place the measure sticky notes on the SMART Goal Tree template drawn in the previous activity. 64
SMART Goal Tree Template School Results Goal School Indicators School Measures School Targets “R” Plug your Results Goal in here “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “A” and “T” “M” “A” and “T” “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “A” and “T” “M” “A” and “T” Time: 40 minutes (21/31) Resources Required: The Power of SMART Goals, pages 20-24 Purpose: Introduce the SMART Tree Diagram Template Lecture Notes: Targets specify how much progress you want to make within a given timeframe. How much TIME will it take to ATTAIN these results? They are the tools we use to monitor progress over time. “S” Specific Area of Concern “M” “A” and “T” “M” “A” and “T”
School Targets What are they? Short term incremental steps measuring all students and sub-group data toward the Results Goal. Targets are set for each Measure. Time: 40 minutes (22/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 67 Purpose: Define targets Lecture Notes: Targets can be set for one year or shorter term segments within one year. Targets help us think about how we will get to the results goal. 66
State Assessment – Targets by Year Writing - State Assessment Grade: Department: Subject: Sub-group: Base-line Data Current Data Targets Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 End of Year % Time: 40 minutes (23/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 67 Purpose: Target by Year Lecture Notes: This slide introduces a basic target template. First note the target is matched with a state assessment (click) by grade level, department and sub-group (three clicks). The template provides space to document the baseline data for each group (click). Current data provides space for you to keep track of the actual data over time (click). The target column is space where you determine what target you want to reach over a specific time period (click). 67
State Assessment – Targets by Year Writing - State Assessment Gr. Level Base-line Data Current Data Targets Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 End of Year % 1 75 6 60 72 85 91 2 85 3 90 Time: 40 minutes (24/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Tell a target story Lecture Notes: The state writing assessment (click) helped a team of sixth grade teachers (click) document the baseline data (click) % of students who meet or exceed writing standards. After discussion they determined that by the end of the 1st year they could move from 60% to 75% (click). When the data arrived after the first year the 6th grade students reached 72% (click), not quite the 75% the team had targeted. They discussed why they may not have met their goal, set action for changes in their instruction, curriculum and assessments. They also determined that by the end of year 2 they would reach a target of 85% (click). Year 2 data arrived and the 6th grade team reached the target of 85% (click). They discussed why they reached this target, determined what they would keep doing and added new methods help them reach their new target for year 3 of 90% (click). Note when the data arrived in year 3 they exceeded the target reaching 91% (click). What did the team skip when their data came in? [Celebrating their accomplishments] How might you celebrate those accomplishments? How would you celebrate them with the students? Activity Notes: Provide time for the participants to write a state year by year target for their School SMART Goal. 68
State Assessment – Targets by Zone/Student Grade: N= Zone Current Data (# of ALL students) Target BLUE ZONE Exceeds GREEN ZONE Meets YELLOW ZONE Approaching RED ZONE Partially meets or does not meet State Assessment Sub-group: N= Zone Current Data (# of sub-group students) Target (# of sub-group students) BLUE ZONE Exceeds GREEN ZONE Meets YELLOW ZONE Approaching RED ZONE Partially meets or does not meet State Assessment Dept.: N= Zone Current Data (# of ALL students) Target BLUE ZONE Exceeds GREEN ZONE Meets YELLOW ZONE Approaching RED ZONE Partially meets or does not meet Time: 40 minutes (25/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 67 Purpose: Target by Zone/Student Lecture Notes: This slide introduces targeting by zones. It can be used to further focus on the year by year target. It is possible to measure different targets using the same assessments. Note it starts by aligning again with the state assessment (click). Each template is labeled by grade, department and sub-group (three clicks). All have a space to identify how many students are being measured by N= (click). The zones are identified by colors (click). After determining the number of students in each zone using a conversion chart, the current data is recorded (click). Note how there is a differentiation between “sub-groups” and “all” students (click). Finally the team determines what zone targets they will reach by the end of the year. (2 clicks). 69
State Assessment – Targets by Zone/Student Writing - State Assessment Grade: Department: Subject: Sub-group: N= ___ students Zone Current Data (# of ALL students) Target BLUE ZONE Exceeds GREEN ZONE Meets YELLOW ZONE Approaching RED ZONE Partially meets or does not meet Time: 40 minutes (26/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual page 67 Purpose: Understand different types of target formats. Lecture Notes: This is just another way to note the focus of the target. In this case the team would select one of the four areas, circle it and identify which grade, department, subject or sub-group they will be monitoring.
State Assessment – Targets by Zone/Student Writing - State Assessment Dept.: Science N=25 students Zone Current Data (# of ALL students) Target BLUE ZONE Exceeds GREEN ZONE Meets YELLOW ZONE Approaching RED ZONE Partially meets or does not meet 7 9 8 11 Time: 40 minutes (27/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Tell a target story Lecture Notes: The target aligns with a writing state assessment. We are a science department (click) with only 25 students-a small school (click). The zones are color coded and a conversion chart has been established (click). The team took a closer look at the writing assessment scores by students and found (click) 7 were in the blue zone, 8 in the green zone, 6 in the yellow zone and 4 in the red zone. After some discussion they mutually agreed on the targets to be reached by the end of year (click), moving all but 2 out of the red zone (remember they have three years to reach the school result goal), 3 in the yellow zone, 11 in the green zone and 9 in the blue zone. After the targets were established and shared with the department; all department meetings focused on the School SMART Goal. Students and parents were informed of the SMART goal and targets. Activity Notes: Provide time for the participants to create a target template by zone/student for their School SMART Goal. They do not have the data with them to determine the current data or target. It will serve as a reminder. 6 3 4 2 71
Targets by Zone / # of Students Grade: Department: Subject: Subgroup: N= ____ Students Current Data (# of ALL students) Forms Target (# of ALL students) Blue Baseline Green Yellow Red Progress Check Results Common Assessment or District Benchmark Time: 40 minutes (28/31) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 67 Purpose: Common Assessment Targets by zone/student Lecture Notes: This target is aligned differently, this time to a common assessments or district benchmark assessment (click). It can be designed by grade, subject or sub-group (click). Document the number of students being assessed (click). The template is the same as the previous template although this time if provides space to document three forms (click) of assessments overtime. 72
Targets by Zone / # of Students Grade: Department: Subject: Subgroup: N= ____ Students Current Data (# of ALL students) Forms Target (# of ALL students) Blue Baseline Green 1 3 Yellow 4 Red 5 Progress Check Results Common Assessment or District Benchmark Time: 40 minutes (29/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Common Assessment Targets by zone/student Lecture Notes: Here is how progress is monitored over the three assessment events. You begin with your baseline data on the first assessment and set the target (i.e. the number of students you want to move from one zone to the next). The timeframe for the target is determined by the assessment schedule. 73
Targets by Zone / # of Students Grade: Department: Subject: Subgroup: N= ____ Students Current Data (# of ALL students) Forms Target (# of ALL students) Blue Baseline Green 1 3 Yellow 4 Red 5 Progress Check 2 6 Results Common Assessment or District Benchmark Time: 40 minutes (30/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Common Assessment Targets by zone/student Lecture Notes: After the midpoint assessment is given, a new set of targets is created to show movement of students up the zones. Again, the timeframe for these targets is determined by when the final assessment will be given. 74
Targets by Zone / # of Students Grade: Department: Subject Subgroup: N= ____ Students Current Data (# of ALL students) Forms Target (# of ALL students) Blue Baseline Green 1 3 Yellow 4 Red 5 Progress Check 2 6 Results Common Assessment or District Benchmark Time: 40 minutes (31/31) Resources Required: Not in participant manual Purpose: Common Assessment Targets by zone/student Lecture Notes: In this example, the end result still left 4 students short of meeting the standard. Additional supports would need to be provided for those students. 75
Time: 15 minutes Energy Break
Learning Opportunity between Sessions I and II Meet with your SMART School Improvement Leadership Team to conduct: Step #1: Isolate Need Between Steps 1 and 2: Gather and Analyze Data Step #2: Create School SMART Goal Meet with your SMART Coach Bring your School SMART Goal Tree to Session II Bring your School PD Calendar Time: 30 minutes (1/3 slides) – 2 minutes Purpose: Prepare participants for next session Resources Required: Participant Manual, Overview Page 9 Lecture Notes: Review expectations for between session work Activity Notes:
SMART Coaching Sessions Team coaching sessions meet four times a year, 2.5 hours each. Preparation prior to each session: SMART Coach will send you a preparation form A recorder will be chosen at each session Commitment form after each session The recorder will sent it back to the SMART Coach and team. Time: 30 minutes (2/3 slides) – 3 minutes Purpose: Prepare participants for their coaching session Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual Lecture Notes: Review expectations for between session work Activity Notes:
SMART Academy Team Planning Schedule time to meet with your SMART School Improvement Leadership Team Identify who will be responsible for convening and facilitating your meetings between sessions Create a plan for gathering your data to build your SMART Goal Tree Schedule your first coaching session. Time: 30 minutes (3/3 slides) – 25 minutes Purpose: Provide time for teams to plan their between session work Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual Lecture Notes: Activity Notes:
Time for a Quick BREAK 10 minutes
Every Teacher Matters COACHING MENTORING Structured Sustained process Enhances skills in teaching Supports experimentation with new strategies Reflective practice for coachee(s) Focus selected by coachee(s) Accountability is on coachee(s) Answers are not provided by coach Coach does not measure coachee’(s) performance Supports learners through career transitions Some elements of a “gatekeeper” Often has an organizational motive Often requires measuring persons progress Provides answers Structured Sustained process Uses questions Sit next to Forms of professional development Time: 50 minutes (1/5) Purpose: Understand the differences and similarities between mentoring and coaching Resources Needed: Not in Participant Manual Lecture Notes: Activity Notes:
Source: HRDQ Time: 50 minutes (2/5) Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual. See Coaching Styles Booklet Purpose: Mini-lecture #2 of 2 about coaching style Lecture Notes: 5 minutes From what you just heard in like groups, let’s look at the research: Vertical line represents your behavior of ASSERTIVENESS (High or Low) Horizontal line represents your behavior of EXPRESSIVENESS (High or Low Move the audience around the model: High ASSERTIVENESS to High EXPRESSIVENESS = Spirited Coaching Style High EXPRESSIVENESS to Low ASSERTIVENESS = Considerate Coaching Style Low ASSERTIVENESS to Low EXPRESSIVENESS = Systematic Coaching Style Low EXPRESSIVENESS to High ASSERTIVENESS = Direct Coaching Style Activity Notes: Draw this on chart paper – have people write their dominant and secondary styles on chart. Source: HRDQ
DIRECT SPIRITED SYSTEMATIC CONSIDERATE Time: 50 minutes (3/5) Purpose: Build a deeper sense of who we are as coaches Resources Required: Participant Manual, Coaching tab, page 115 Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Ask the participants to move back to their team’s table. Select a facilitator and timekeeper. (1-2 minutes) 2) Provide a mini lecture (reinforce what may have been on the posters) about what each quadrants represents: (5 minutes) High or low assertiveness with high or low expression Behaviors for high assertiveness TELLS, low assertiveness ASKS Behaviors for high expression SHOWS EMOTION, low expression SHOWS LITTLE OR NO EMOTION Show how it becomes a cycle by Spirited coaches by INSPIRING, Considerate coaches by FACILITATING, Systematic coaches by PLANNING CAREFULLY, Direct coaches by TAKES CHARGE. How can we as coaches balance all of this during our coaching sessions. You know your comfort zone, now where can you stretch yourself? 3) Use the profile, “What’s My Coaching Style?” page 5 to transfer scores as well as discuss (8 minutes) How do the scores match, complement or conflict as a team? How will knowing your team’s Coaching Style allow you to become a high-performing SMART Leadership Team? FACILITATOR NOTE: Summarize the activity by asking for responses from the second bullet. Document on chart paper as a reference while training.
Laboratory of Grace Time: 50 minutes (4/5) – 10 minutes Purpose: Personal exploration as a coach Resources Required: Not in participant manual Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Introduce for the first time what a Laboratory of Grace provides for them as coaches. An environment to practice. (1minute) Introduce the roles for this activity. (1 minute) Coach role: Coach your coachee on his/her focus. Coachee: Determine an area of focus based on what you’ve learned about your coaching style. 3) Preparation: Individually reflect on what you learned about yourself as a coach. (2 minutes) What is a good coaching focus based on your reflection? (1 minute) 4) Instructions: Assign each person to the letter A or B. (1 minute) Person A coaches Person B. (7-10 minutes) Person B coaches Person A. (7-10 minutes) Debrief both sessions. (10 minutes) FACILITATOR NOTE: Respond to the debrief questions to support their first Laboratory of Grace. (5-7 minutes)
Laboratory of Grace: Debrief With your coaching partner, discuss each of the prompts relating to how it felt to coach and how it felt to be coached. Time: 50 minutes (5/5) – 10 minutes Purpose: To reflect on the coaching experience using the SMART Coaching Cycle Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Have coaching pairs discuss how each felt using the table of questions on the Lab of Grace Debrief handout Welcome audience to share 1-5 comments about the experience. Resources Required: Participant Manual, Coaching tab, page 5 Audience Reaction:
Journal Reflection 3 Important Concepts I do not want to forget 2 Prioritie Tasks 3 Important Concepts I do not want to forget 2 Things I want to use immediately 1 Thing I want to share with my team Time: 5 minutes Purpose: Closure Lecture Notes: Activity Notes
Building capacity for student-focused, goal directed learning Thank you SMART People! Time: Purpose: Show as the participants leave the room Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual Building capacity for student-focused, goal directed learning
Why SMART Goals Work Driven by teachers Teachers work collaboratively Common focus on improving student learning All know and share the same standards All adjust teaching practices based on data Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 38 Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP:
What is SMART? What are the various ways your school/district is SMART? How SMART are your current school improvement goals? On a scale of 1 to 4, rate your current goals. Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 39 Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP:
Preparing to Create the School SMART Goal Select roles In addition to data from 5 years of state summative tests, what other data could you use to confirm or calculate your school’s subject GAN? Identify measurement tools you currently use to assess student performance in each standard and skill area. Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 47 Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP:
Preparing to Create the School SMART Goal What other measurement tools might you need to better understand your students’ performance? What is the type and frequency of the measurements you currently use? Once you have your baseline of performance, discuss how much improvement you think you can make on each assessment and over what period of time. Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 47 Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP: