Creating a Powerpoint Presentation Creating a Narrative Using rehearsed timings Slideshow effects etc. The purpose of this Powerpoint is to show you how to use this tool to create your assignment. This slideshow will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to create a functioning slideshow presentation for your assignment. The focal point of this tutorial is to demonstrate the Narration and Timings features and briefly touch on other more cosmetic abilities of Powerpoint. The version of Powerpoint this presentation uses is 2007, the primary differences would only be cosmetic or in the GUI(Graphical User Interface). You will be able to find most of the features used in this tutorial regardless of version, the only difference is their location in the menus or on your screen.
Creating a Narrative Enter the Slide Show menu To record the narrative you need to select Record Narration A narrative is an audio recording which explains the information you are presenting in your slides. To create the narrative go into the Slide Show menu, shown in the red box. Once you have opened the Slideshow menu you should see all the features we are going to use. I have highlighted them with a yellow box in my screenshot. First select Record Narrative, this will usually open another window where you can check your microphone levels and adjust the quality of the audio. Once you have ensured your microphone is working and set your quality click on the OK button and you can begin your narrative. Once you have completed your narrative PowerPoint should ask you if you would like to keep the timings for the slides. You can keep them or redo the timings by selecting Rehearse Timings from this same menu.
Rehearsed Timings To set or adjust the timing of the slideshow select Rehearse Timings Using rehearsed timing allows your slideshow to progress automatically without any user input. When you use rehearse timings you can hear your recorded narrative and fine tune the slideshow to coincide with your narrative. Finally you want to make sure that rehearsed timings is enabled. Both of these features can be found in the Slide Show Menu and are found within the yellow box in this screenshot.
Slideshow Effects: The Basics Visual effects within your slides: Effects are for flash or cosmetic value and do not contribute to your mark. It is the content which is going to be marked not the amount of PowerPoint features you managed to cram into your assignment. With that said here are some basics tips on how to do this if you felt so inclined. To add visual effects to an object in your slide you first select the object (whether this is your text, a picture, graph, title, etc.) Once you have an object selected go into the Animations menu (shown in the red box), and select the Animate submenu (shown in the yellow box). From within the Animate submenu you have a list of scripted animations that you can apply to your work. If you want to get into more complex or personalized animations you can click on Custom Animations below the Animate submenu.
Slide Transitions How to setup slide transitions: To modify how your slides transition you would again access the Animations menu and you should see different tiles each representing a transition. You can go through and adjust how each slide transitions through this method.