By: Claire Team Members: Lucy, Will, Tyler, CJ
Where it is all over the world most bodies of water Covers about 70%
Plants- Mermaid Fan Plant. fan shape Caribbean sand flats rocky structures
Plants- Red Algae 6,000 species absorbs blue light reflects red light 5,800 live in saltwater
Plants-Halimeda around the Caribbean Sea not many saltwater animals eat it known as the Money Plant color can fade to white
Plants-Turtle Grass forms vast, dense meadows climax species ribbon leafs leafs 14 inches long
Plants-Sea Urchins every body of water rocky shores shallow sandy areas small and prickly cant survive in freshwater
Animals-Narwhal underwater unicorn diet- fish, shrimp, squid life span is 50 years live in icy water
Animals-Sea Lions diet-fish, squid, and octopus can swim 25 mph. life span is 20 years are endangered
Animals-Stingrays has sharp venomous sting related to sharks life span is years carnivore only act in self defense
Animals-Humpback Whale endangered most swim 3-9 mph. can swim mph. in danger come in 4 colors females are little larger than males sing to communicate diet- little fish, small shrimp claves to not stop growing until they are 10 years old 52 feet long
Animals-Saltwater Crocodile lurk near water edges 200, ,000 drowns to kill the animal largest reptile go up to 2,200 pounds life span 70 years diet-water buffalo, monkeys, wild boar, and more
Animals-Marine Iguana only lizard that goes in the ocean can dive 30ft. in the water diet-seaweed herbivores found in Galapagos Islands
Animals-Leatherback Turtle by far the largest turtles diet-jelly fish ranges to 4-8 ft. been around for more than 150 million years