2016/03/09 專利分析與智財管理 專利資料庫檢索練習 Curry
專利資料庫 USPTO http://www.uspto.gov/ TIPO http://twpat.tipo.gov.tw/
USPTO ttl/((additive and manufactur$) and (biomedical or (bionic and scaffold))) or ABST/((additive and manufactur$) and (biomedical or (bionic and scaffold))) or ACLM/((additive and manufactur$) and (biomedical or (bionic and scaffold)))
其他檢索資料庫 FPO http://www.freepatentsonline.com/ (word stemming function On: searches for variants of the root word Off: searches for exact word) Google patent https://www.google.com.tw/advanced_patent_search?hl=zh-TW Espacenet http://worldwide.espacenet.com/ FPO TTL/((additive adj manufactur*) or (additive adj fabricat*) or (3d adj print*) or (three-dimension adj print*) or (Fused adj deposition adj model*) or (three-dimension adj manufactur*)) and (biomedical or (bionic adj scaffold)) or ABST/((additive adj manufactur*) or (additive adj fabricat*) or (3d adj print*) or (three-dimension adj print*) or (Fused adj deposition adj model*) or (three-dimension adj manufactur*)) and (biomedical or (bionic adj scaffold)) or ACLM/((additive adj manufactur*) or (additive adj fabricat*) or (3d adj print*) or (three-dimension adj print*) or (Fused adj deposition adj model*) or (three-dimension adj manufactur*)) and (biomedical or (bionic adj scaffold))
Exercise 利用此次介紹的專利資料庫,同學回去檢索與自己報告主題相關的專利。