2018-2019 Forestville Pta budget presentation September 28, 2018 Julie Ryan, Treasurer Treasurer.fespta@gmail.com
Agenda Fiscal State of the PTA Audit Review and Approval 2018-2019 Budget Formulation Process Budgeted Income and Expenses Review Additional PTA Support Planned in 2018-2019 Budget Vote Financial Reminders
Fiscal state of the pTa In 2017-2018, the PTA began the year with excess surplus of funds. $22,000 was set aside as reserves for the funding of a new playground and improvement to the atrium outdoor space. $19,300 of the reserves was spent on the playground, with the remainder in reserves for atrium improvements in 2018- 2019. The PTA Board oversaw a successful fundraising effort to pay for the playground, but also managed spending tightly in 2017-2018 to ensure that if playground costs exceeded estimates, that the purchase would move forward. As a result, the PTA ended the year with a balance of $39,472.25 An audit of all income and expenses for the 2017-2018 school year was performed by Certified Public Accountant, Teresa Dragoo, and findings were presented in a letter to the PTA Treasurer on July 25, 2018.
Audit review and approval Per the letter from the independent audit, the Forestville PTA had a clean audit outcome. The PTA also submitted its 2017 Form 990 to the IRS (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax) Please review the letter dated July 25, 2018 from Teresa Dragoo. Questions? Request a motion to accept the audit findings performed by Teresa Dragoo presented to the PTA on July 25, 2018.
2017-2018 PTA Budget Formulation Process The Board works to decide or verify what programs, projects and services the PTA wants to provide or support. We gather information to estimate the cost of these items. The Board estimates the costs of operating or administrative expenses such as insurance, bank fees and website, etc. Information is gathered on fundraising programs and other sources of cash. These other sources of money could include school events that make money for the PTA such as silent auctions, carnivals and of course membership fees. We then list all the source of funds and the uses of funds to determine ending cash position of the PTA. Any necessary adjustments are made to get to the desired cash position of year end. This may mean cutting a program or service or adding another source of revenue. The budget was reviewed with the officers and a final budget was determined.
2018-2019 Proposed PTA Budget Income estimate = $53,190.00 Highlights: Cardinal Fund and Business Sponsors are our primary sources of income to support ALL PTA baseline services We request every family donate $225 to the Cardinal Fund which includes your $15 membership dues. The remaining fundraising income sources are intended to be more passive OR to make life easier for families (i.e. Directory, Spirit Night, School Supply Sale, etc.) We try to make fundraising easy for parents and students; please recognize that EVERY child benefits; therefore we count on every family contributing. We do not ask that our children (or parents) sell products to benefit the PTA
2017-2018 Proposed PTA Budget Expense Estimate = $60,220.00 Highlights: Total Curriculum Enhancement allocation is $49,012, 77% of total PTA spending budget This includes educational software and hardware, field trips, speakers and assemblies, art and science enrichment, character education, recess and playground supplies, teacher stipends, teacher continuing education, and MORE! We are working to greater enhance the classroom experience with additional resources. The PTA provides programming and services that you MAY think are provided by FCPS, but they ARE NOT.
Additional PTA SUPPORT PLANNED in 2018-2019 The PTA has worked with the administration to identify areas for improvement on the school grounds, beyond those that come with the newly renovated school. GOAL ATRIUM ENHANCEMENT 75 NEW LAPTOPS Work with the administration to fund this outdoor space so that it is usable for teachers and students $3000 Replace ALL legacy laptops at Forestville Elementary School so that our students have current and reliable technology in their classrooms $30,000 HOW? 2018 Golf Tournament $13,000 PTA Reserve Funds $5,000 Additional Donations $15,000
Budget Vote Please take a moment to review the detailed budget Discussion and questions Request a motion to approve the 2018-2019 PTA Budget (as presented OR as amended per discussion)
financial Reminders Reimbursement requests should be submitted within 30 days of the event Reimbursement forms are available in the PTA website Online submissions are preferred Paper forms can be placed in the PTA Treasurer mailbox in the PTA office Receipts are required for all reimbursement requests Requests for Petty Cash for an event should be submitted at least 3 days prior to the event Monies ready for deposit should include an Income Summary Form and be placed in the safe in the main office Please send an email to our Assistant Treasurer, Yan Wei, when monies are placed in the safe so that she may pick them up (assttreasurer.fespta@gmail.com)
Thank you for your continued support of Forestville PTA! Questions? Thank you for your continued support of Forestville PTA!