Knowledge Organiser Y9 Map Skills Background Information: Students are required to develop and demonstrate a range of geographical skills, including cartographic, graphical, numerical and statistical skills, throughout their study of the specification. Skills will be assessed in all three written exams. Ordnance Survey (OS) maps or other map extracts may be used in any of the three exams Grid Reference Used to give a specific position on a map Contour A orange line on a map used to show equal heights Scale How real life objects and distances are shown on a map Relief Height and shape on a map Aerial A plan view from above of the landscape Students will be able to: Be able to identify and use different types of a maps such as satellite, OS and Atlas Maps as well as Choropleth Mapping. Read four Figure and Six Figure Grid References Find symbols on an OS Map and understand what they mean Be able to read and show height on maps Be able to use a scale to measure distance. Be able to draw appropriate field sketches Formal GCSE paper with specific for map skills. There will be two assessments of this kind.
Knowledge Organiser Y9 Tectonic Hazards Destructive plate Boundary Background Information: The aims of this unit are to develop an understanding of the tectonic processes and features in different environments, and the need for management strategies governed by sustainability and consideration of the direct and indirect effects of human interaction with the Earth and the atmosphere. Plate Boundary Where two tectonic plates meet Destructive plate Boundary Where two plates meet and destroy land usually a volcano and earthquake happens. Causes & Effect What makes the hazard happen and what damage does it do. Hazard An physical event which impacts on people and place. Earthquake A violent shaking of the ground. Students will be able to: Identify plate movements Explain how a earthquake is caused. Know and understand the causes, effects and management strategies of a volcanic and Earthquake eruption Compare and Contrast tectonic hazards Explain the formation of a Tsunami Understand how hazards can be managed before and after an event Predict, Protect,Prepare Formal GCSE paper with specific for map skills. There will be two assessments of this kind.
Knowledge Organiser Y9 Climate Hazards & Climate Change Background Information: The aims of this unit are to develop an understanding of the tectonic processes and features in different environments, and the need for management strategies governed by sustainability and consideration of the direct and indirect effects of human interaction with the Earth and the atmosphere. Hurricane/Cyclone A storm made up of wind and rain formed in Tropical Areas. Climate: The pattern of weather over a period of time Climate Change An increase or decrease in global temperatures affecting people and place Adaptation Responding to a situation to prevent a situation getting worse. Mitigation Taking action to stop a situation happening in the future. Students will be able to: Identify the difference between climate and weather Explain the formation and distribution of Tropical storms Explain the factors affecting tropical storm Explain how climate impacts upon people and place Understand how Storm can be managed before and after an event Predict, Protect, Prepare Explain the causes of climate change Explain how it can be managed. Formal GCSE paper with specific for map skills. There will be two assessments of this kind.