How to Write a Research Paper Enjoy the Journey of Discovery!
What do you need to know about your person? Here is your assignment: You have just been hired by a national magazine to write a feature article on someone who has made a difference in the world. You must introduce your chosen person by providing some background information. Then, the rest of the paper should explain the accomplishments of the person and describe obstacles the person faced and how they overcame the obstacles and show why your person should be celebrated during black history month.
Step #1: Choosing a Person to Research This is a very important step because the person you choose is your topic. You need to choose someone who has made a difference and should be celebrated One way to start thinking about who you might pick is by exploring the sites linked below that list hundreds of people who have changed the world:
Step #2: Finding and Documenting Reliable Sources Now you know what type of information you need to find. The next step is to find reliable sources that will provide you with the necessary information. Where can I find sources? How do I know if a source is reliable? What do I do once I find my sources? How do I keep track of my sources?
Where can I find sources? For this paper you will need to use a variety of sources. Here is the breakdown: · 1 non-fiction book · *2 internet sources · 1 source of your choice *Here is a student-friendly search engine to use for your research:
How do I know if a source is reliable? The two most important questions to ask when assessing a source: Who publishes this website and wrote its content, and why? Check out this video:
What do I do once I find my sources? Read and annotate the sources based on the information you need for your paper. After you find a source, be sure to record the source information (URL, author and title, page numbers, etc.) to use in your in-text citations and in your source list/bibliography. How do I keep track of my sources? Keep copies of any sources you find. If you can’t print or copy them, be sure to write down the web address so that you can refer back to it when needed. When you gather all your sources, you can use to begin creating your source list. Just paste the URL into the space provided and complete any missing information. More on this later.
Malala defeated the Taliban Malala defeated the Taliban. According to one reporter, “Yousafzai’s story proves that nothing is impossible. Despite facing major obstacles, she has managed to establish herself as an important force in driving forward female education across the globe” (Dines). Even a potentially deadly obstacle did not stop Malala in her fight for education. In fact, the incident proved to do the opposite of what it intended. Instead of silencing Malala, it made her voice so “loud” that the world began to listen. For instance, according to CNN, “It seems that Malala's courage has awoken Pakistan's silent majority who are no longer prepared to tolerate the threats and intimidations of the Pakistan Taliban” (Brown). The lawmakers and others in Pakistan realized that they also had to stand up against the Taliban as Malala had or they might lose their freedom. Malala’s story also inspired worldwide movements.For example, “The United Nations launched a campaign for girls' education named ‘I am Malala’" (Brumfield). This campaign brought attention to the inequalities in education across the world. In addition, Malala herself started an organization whose “goal is to enable girls to complete 12 years of safe, quality education so that they can achieve their potential and be positive change-makers in their families and communities”(“Malala Fund”). They work with people all over the world and provide money to local educational leaders and programs. They also advocate for resources and safe schools for every child. Finally, Malala has become “a global symbol for the fight to allow girls everywhere access to an education” (Brumfield). She has inspired people around the world to be active and fight for their rights. Malala is known around the world because she is the embodiment of courage, determination and empathy. She fights not just for herself, but for all children whose rights are being violated. She overcame tremendous adversity and emerged as a modern heroine. Hopefully, her example will be followed by those she has inspired, and, some day her dream of equal education for all will be realized. According to Malala, “One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world.” Certainly, she has proven this herself.