Tutorial Title Author 1 Author 1 Affiliation Author 2 Author 1 Affiliation Logo Author 1 Author 1 Affiliation Author 2 Author 2 Affiliation Author 2 Affiliation Logo 1
Provide a brief overview of your tutorial’s objective. Tutorial Objective Provide a brief overview of your tutorial’s objective. 2 2
Tutorial Outline Provide an outline of your tutorial 3 3
General comments Please utilize this template in preparing your presentation. Refrain from using font sizes smaller than 24 point. For a two hour tutorial, most authors create 60-100 slides. 4 4
General Comments (cont.) To minimize file size, consider using Portable Network Graphics (.png) or JPEG (.jpg) formats for images Your final presentation will be uploaded prior to your arrival at the session No changes will be permitted after the final slides are submitted. 5
Logos Your company’s logo may only appear on the first slide of the presentation. Logos may not cover the entire slide nor may it be used as a “watermark” behind words and images on your slides 6 6
Updating the Footer Navigate to the Slide Master View Slide Master Update the footer on the 3rd slide 7 7
Contact Information Include your contact information 8 8