Sue Smart - Regional Development Manager Mention here the partnership between BEP and YST – 2 days a week You may want to do an energiser eg get them to stand and do mobot or lighting bolt to answer yes or no to a few questions???? Key areas of work for me: Partnership between BEP and Youth Sport Trust Birmingham Active Schools Forum – open invitation to HTs and School Leaders – working towards representation from each consortium Final draft of pledge to get schools active – to launch in September Engage and support local networks and schools/HT consortiums – to provide current national updates, information and guidance Professional Learning Opportunities YST have recently launched new 4 year strategy having a vision – where every child enjoys life changing benefits that come from play and sport and a MISSION to pioneer new ways of using sport to improve childrens well being and give them a brighter future This aligns and supports a broad and balanced curriculum Sue Smart - Regional Development Manager 07825065182
Focus of this session is increasing activity levels of young people – increasing evidence and current lifestyle choices crucial to get yp active – not just more sport/pe ….across and embedded in the curriculum. Talk though the two infographics
The Golden Circle – Simon Sinek How great leaders inspire Lots of graphics – to illustrate The Golden Circle – quick recap of Simon Sineks messaging eg Apple Consider your school and how you could use this approach ……
What would your golden circle look like? To achieve a broad and balanced curriculum? To increase activity levels? A Why? How? What?
1) the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school Need a tracjer and ideas – all resources can be found here Active School Planner – free resource for schools that provides the following: Activity Heatmap Tool – A self review tool to look at where and how the school is increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in pupils Activity Tracker – A way of tracking physical activity levels in key individual and groups of pupils School Improvement – Evidence that explains the link between increased physical activity and improved education outcomes Signposting and guidance – Find guidance and best practice to continue to make improvements to your provision Physical Activities Library – A growing body of practical idea submitted by active schools Active School Report – An action plan to support your school’s progress towards becoming an active school Active 30:30 resources FREE
Sue Smart - Regional Development Manager Any questions – Introduce Denise Fountain (HT was Director of Sport) – ‘Do and Discover ‘ Sue Smart - Regional Development Manager 07825065182