Prayers for the week 12 – 16 November 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Prayers for the week 12 – 16 November 2018 Prayer theme: Anti-bullying week Following a consultation with over 800 children, teachers and members of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, it emerged that a top priority was showing that bullying is a behaviour choice, and that children and young people can set a positive example by opting to respect each other at school, in their homes and communities, and online.

Monday 12 November A reading from the Gospel according to Matthew: In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets. Jesus tells us that when we treat each other with kindness, we are living by God’s law. Let us ask Jesus to help us to live his law of love by treating one another as brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of God. Amen.

Monday 12 November God of Love, We pray for those who sometimes bully others In school, online, or to and from school. Give them the grace to understand the harm they are causing, To themselves as much as other people. Give them the grace to break out of the cycle of bullying, To see things from the point of view of those they hurt, To have the courage to be reconciled, to say sorry. Amen.

Tuesday 13 November

Tuesday 13 November God of peace, We pray for those who are sometimes bullied by others In school, online or to and from school. Give them the grace to break out of the cycle of bullying by telling someone they trust what is going on and to speak honestly about how they feel so those who bully will learn and grow. Amen.

Wednesday 14 November I am the person you bullied at school, I Am – By Laura I am the person you bullied at school, I am the person who didn’t know how to be cool, I am the person you alienated, I am the person you ridiculed and hated. I am the person who sat on her own, I am the person who walked home alone, I am the person you scared every day, I am the person who had nothing to say. I am the person with hurt in her eyes, I am the person you never saw cry, I am the person living alone with her fears, I am the person destroyed by her peers. I am the person who drowned in your scorn, I am the person who wished she hadn’t been born, I am the person you destroyed for ‘fun’, I am the person, but not the only one. I am the person whose name you don’t know, I am the person who just can’t let go, I am the person who has feelings too, And I was a person, just like you. Written by Laura and donated to BullyingUK over 10 years ago, the poem came out of one person’s frustration with bullying and helpless feeling of isolation many young people encounter.

Wednesday 14 November God of reconciliation, Your Son revealed your nature to us, he showed us that you are a gentle God who wills the good of all human beings, who wants to save us from the habits of sin. Inspire us to follow the example of Jesus and never lord it over others or use our power to make anyone feel bad about themselves but to treat others the way Jesus treated them, with dignity and compassion. Amen.

Thursday 15 November The FCJ values of Companionship, Dignity, Excellence, Justice, Gentleness and Hope are antidotes against bullying. Lord, The new day lies open before us; let us pray with one heart and mind. As we rejoice in the gift of this new day, may the light of your presence set our hearts on fire with love for you. Give us the gift of gentleness and kindness, and help us to treat everybody we meet today with love and respect. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thursday 15 November

Friday 16 November Listen to the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. …I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another. Loving God, Jesus calls all of us his friends. He showed us how to live as friends by laying down his life for us. Help us to live his command to love one another, by putting aside unkind words, by never saying or doing anything that would hurt anyone else; by being an example of friendship and welcome with everyone, especially those who feel left out. Let us live in the love of Jesus as friends. Amen.

Friday 15 November Examen Be silent and place yourself in God’s loving presence. Think about the good things that have happened this week and give thanks.​ Who have you left a good memory with this week? Look back over your week. Where have you felt joy and what has been difficult and challenged you? In the quiet of your heart, tell God about your experiences.​ Give thanks for who you are. As you look ahead, with what spirit will you enter next week? Ask God to help you.

Afternoon Prayer and Reflection Lord Thank you for the morning, for watching over me and walking with me. May I find joy and understanding this afternoon, in all I do. Grant me the zest and the strength I need to work for you until nightfall. Amen Let us pause for a few moments in silence and remember those family members and friends who need our prayers and support today………… Let us ask Mary, our Mother, to join us in our prayers as we say: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen We end our reflection with a prayer inspired by our foundress followed by the school prayer: Loving Father, life-giving spirit – Marie Madeleine believed in your power, hoped in your promises and lived for your glory. We ask her to pray for us and be with us as we carry the FCJ spirit into the 21st century. Protect and guide the pupils and staff at Upton and at all FCJ schools in this country and around the world. Amen May the Lord bless us and keep us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen