Chapter 5: The Kingdom of God Name: Period: Chapter 5: The Kingdom of God Unit III: Chapters 5 & 6 Kingdom of God Servants in the Kingdom DEFITNITIONS Parable: _____________________________ ______________________________________ Heaven: ______________________________ ______________________________________ Angel: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Leprosy: _____________________________ ______________________________________ GET CONNECTED: The Kingdom of God (pg. 59) This prayer talks about the Kingdom of God: ___________________________________ God’s Kingdom is his _________________ of ________________, ________________, and ____________________ This kingdom began when _____________ ______________ ________ _______________ This teaches us to respond to the suffering of those in our community: _________________ _________________ ____________________ SCRIPTURE: Parables in the Kingdom (pg. 62) The Kingdom of Heaven in like: ___________________________________ GOD’S PLAN FOR HIS KINGDOM (pg. 63) Jesus began the KOG on _________________ The ___________________ is the beginning of God’s kingdom. The KOG will be fully realized at __________ _____________ ________ _______________ At this time, the ________________ will separate the ______________ from the ________________ THE CHURCH, A SIGN OF GOD’S KINGDOM (pg. 63) The Head of the Church: ___________________ The Body of Christ: _________________ _______ ___________ _____________________ We respond to our ________________ by using our unique _______________ to bring God’s ______________________ and ______________ to others. A CLOSER LOOK (pg. 64) How is a mustard seed used to describe the Kingdom of God?
Chapter 5: The Kingdom of God BLESSED DAMIEN OF MOLOKAI (pg. 64) Blessed Damien is from _________________ What was special about the island of Molokai? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ What did Blessed Damien do on this island? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ How is Blessed Damien an example of how to live the values of God’s Kingdom? ____________________________________________________________________________ OUR CHURCH TEACHES (pg. 64) In the Old Testament, God made covenants with: _______________________, ____________________ and ______________. God fulfilled the promises of His covenants when he sent ___________________ who _______________ us from ________________. We do the work of the kingdom when we __________________ for the _____________ and __________________.