Common Greek Roots therm
Common Greek Roots Directions Click on the slide. Read the root word and its definition at the top of the slide. Click the space bar. Read the first word part that pops up. Click the space bar. Read the next word part that comes up. (Repeat this step until the entire word appears under the word parts.) Read the entire word using the chunks (syllables). Click on the speaker symbol to listen to the correct pronunciation of the word. Determine whether you were correct. Click on the space bar. Read the definition that appears. Think about how the definition relates to the meaning of the root word. Think about the meanings of any of the other word parts. After you have finished with all of the slides, go back to the first slide. Repeat the process. Determine whether you can say the word correctly. Also, attempt to say the definition of the word before you make the definition appear. Repeat the process until you are able to say the definitions of each of the words correctly.
THER MO STAT THERMOSTAT Therm: heat/ warm A device that can make a room colder or hotter. (It controls the air conditioning and heating system in a home.)
THER MOM E TER THERMOMETER Therm: heat/ warm A device used to measure the temperature.
THER MOS THERMOS Therm: heat/ warm A bottle used to keep liquids hot or cold.
THER MAL THERMAL Therm: heat/ warm A word related to anything that keeps us warm.
THER MO DY NAM ICS THERMODYNAMICS Therm: heat/ warm The study of energy.
GE THERM AL O GEOTHERMAL Therm: heat/ warm The heat that Earth produces.
HY PO THERM I A HYPOTHERMIA Therm: heat/ warm A condition in which someone’s body temperature drops dangerously.
THER MO NU CLE AR THERMONUCLEAR Therm: heat/ warm Using lots of heat to create a bomb.
EC TO THERM ECTOTHERM Therm: heat/ warm Animals that change their body temperature based on the surrounding environment.
Therm: heat/ warm EN DO THERM ENDOTHERM Animals that create body heat.