Bizzy Bears Pre-School Newsletter Contacts


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Presentation transcript:

Bizzy Bears Pre-School Newsletter Contacts During sessions:- 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 Email: - Follow us on face book Pre-School Welcome to our December 2018 Newsletter Themes We will be starting the countdown to all things Christmas this week! We will be learning about Christmas traditions and we will also be looking at the Christmas story and starring in our own Nativity. Parents Evening Thank you to all those parents who came along to our recent parents evening, we have received very positive feed back from you as to how informative and enjoyable the evening was. Christmas Cards There will be a post box located in the corridor for children wishing to post cards to their friends. Group lists will be available in each changing room. Please can we ask that you write surnames on the cards as we have a few children with the same first name. Christmas Nativity and Carol Concert This year we will be holding our Christmas Nativity on Friday December 14th at 11.15am. Our performance will be outside in the garden where we will have our stable. Parents/carers are welcome to join us at 11.15am (please wrap up warm!) any children who are not in on Friday are welcome to join us dressed for the nativity at 11.10am. Parent/carers are welcome to join us at 11.15am for our concert followed by hot chocolate and cookies. If you are having any problems finding a suitable costume please speak to a member of staff as we do have some spare costumes available. Please can all children bring their costume on the day of the nativity as we are unable to store costumes due to limited space, please ensure your child has layers under their costume due to our performance being outside. Parents/carers may make digital recordings of the performances for personal use but we ask that you do not post images on the internet. Christmas sing along Thank you to everyone who joined for our Christmas sing along, it was lovely to see so many of you there. We shall be receiving the Christmas photograph proofs at the beginning of the week, please complete your order form if you wish to purchase any photographs. £1.00 from each photo sale will go towards the children’s Preschool Christmas party. All photographs will be with you in time for Christmas!

Church visit We have been able to arrange a visit to our local Church St Andrews, on Monday 17th December 11.00am. Reverend Richard will talk to the children about the nativity and we will sing some Christmas carols. Any children who are not in on Monday are welcome to join us with their parent. All parents and carers are welcome to join us to walk to the church, we shall be leaving at 10.30am to meet at the church for 10.45am. We value your support to make this activity successful. If any parent does not wish their child to attend please speak to a member of staff who will arrange a suitable time to collect your child with you. Christmas Party Our party will take place during our afternoon session on Wednesday December 19th and will include lots of fun and games with Silly soapy the female clown, party food and a visit from Father Christmas. All children who are not in on that day are welcome to join us at 1.00pm for the party. There is no extra charge for the party. Normal session times apply for those who are in on a Wednesday from 9.00am or 12.30pm. All parents are welcome to join us at 2.30pm to see our special visitor. We would welcome in any parents that may be able to help with setting out the food for the party on the day. Please let a member of staff know if you are able to help. Bizzy Bears will be closing at 2.30pm on party day Wednesday 19th December. Sickness and Infection control It is very important to protect all children and staff from unwanted infections within the Preschool environment. Parents are asked to keep their child at home if they are unwell and to inform us as to the nature of the illness by telephone so that we can provide relevant information to prevent the spread of infection. Parents are asked to keep a child away from Pre-school, who has been suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea until at least 48 hrs has elapsed since the last incident. If you feel your child is unwell enough to require Calpol/Nurofen or any other Paracetamol product before coming to Pre school, we would ask that you keep them at home. Our setting is unable to administer non prescribed medicine. Severe Weather In the unlikely event that Bizzy Bears has to remain closed due to severe weather conditions, we will post this information on our own website and on our Facebook page. Dates for your diary Friday 14th December 11.15am – Nativity concert Monday 17th December- Visit to St Andrews church in Gt Billing Wednesday 19th December 1.00pm-2.30pm – Pre school Christmas party and last day of term Friday 4th January 2019 – Pre school Spring term begins Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the staff and children at Bizzy Bears