Topic 6B World War I
Struggle for Neutrality July 28 1914 War breaks out in Europe “We must be impartial in thought as well as in action.” – Woodrow Wilson British pressure (!) Lusitania (!) Zimmerman Telegram (!)
The War Mobilization Conscription Propaganda Preparation by all citizens for war Rationing goods Buying bonds (lending money to the government) Conscription The draft Ages 21-30 (later 45) Chosen by lottery Propaganda Public information used to mold public opinion
The War Opposition Espionage Act of 1917 Sedition Amendment 1918 From groups who wished to remain neutral. Couldn’t speak out against the war. Civil Liberties were suspended Espionage Act of 1917 Sedition Amendment 1918 ILLEGAL to speak out against the war ILLEGAL to be anti-war Free speech? (!) Article 6 Section 2: This Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land Article 9: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
The WAr Schenck v. United States 1919 Handed out anti-war pamphlets Used the Constitution and religion to convince people to resist the draft. Jailed for 6 months Free speech isn’t free when it creates a clear and present danger When it threatens others (in this case, America)
The War U.S. + allies win! Paris Peace Conference, 1919 Wilson’s Fourteen Points The President’s peace plan to ensure peace across the world. All rejected by the conference except the 14th point Created the League of Nations
The Fourteen Points