Research Support Network (RAI) National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM National Institute of Health, Mexico
Research Support Network and Core Facilities Recently open facilities (July 2015). New laboratories with high-tech equipment for ultimate research horizons. Open friendly to international collaborators.
Research Support Network RAI is divided in units: metabolomics and proteomics, genomics, flow citometry, molecular biology, bioinformatics and biostatistics, creative area, microscopy.
Molecular biology Real time PCR. QuantStudio – multiplex PCR. StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System – high confidence PCR. 3500xL Genetic Analyzer – capilar electrophoresis sequencer (Sanger).
Cell culture facilities Cell culture, incubators, hoods, centrifuges, baths and maintenance.
Metabolomics and proteomics Biacore T200 GE -Drug-receptor interactions. -Peptide-peptide, protein- protein, carbohydrate-protein, lipid-protein, enzyme-substrate antigen-antibody interactions. -DNA-protein, DNA-small molecule interactions. -Drug design and natural compound synthesis.
Metabolomics and proteomics HPLC 1260 Infinity Bio-inert Quaternary. Agilent 7890B GC/MS Agilent 5977ª gas chromatographer and mass spectrometer. AB Sciex Triple TOF spectrometer Peptide and protein sequencing. Proteome analysis. Aminoacid identification and mutations.
Flow citometry Cell subpopulation detection and isolation (cell sorting). Cell cycle and proliferatin analysis, viability and apoptosis. Intercell signaling, oxidative metabolism. Cell phosphoproteins. Mulriplexed assays (Bead arrays).
Bioinformatics, biostatistics and computational biology Analysis and interpretation of experimental data generated from sequencers. Genome assembly , transcriptome, proteome and metagenome analysis. Gene notation. 3D design of proteins, drugs and other molecules, virtual interactions of biological. Expermental design, statistic sampling,.
Creative area Scientific outreach for young and adults. Scientific games. Educational resources.
Genomics Whole genome, exome and transcriptome. De novo sequencing. Specific varitation panels, targeted regions, validation of genomic variations, targeted gene analysis. Metagenomics. Mithochondrial DNA. Splicing sites identification. Non coding regulatory RNA identification, small RNA.
Research Support Network With a young and highy qualified team and the high tech equipment, the core facility can receive foreign students who wish to learn new techonologies or develop reseach in cojoint programs in different areas.
Research Support Network The information generated from the NGS sequencing, proteomics and metabolomics as well as the bioinformatic are can be assembled to yield a wider insight on health problems such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, AIDS, degenerative, and infectuous diseases.
Illumina Sequencing The target DNA is ligated to a known sequence (adaptor) in both ends (5´- 3’) that will hybridize with its complementary sequence found in the surface of the flow cell, another small sequence (index) is ligated in order to label each sample (max 96 per flow cell).
Illumina Sequencing The samples are pooled equilomarly and applied in the sequencer, the constructed DNA ligates itself to the adaptors localized in the flow cell and a complementary chain is synthesized with polymerases.
Illumina Sequencing Then a bridge is created between the adjacent adaptor sequence in the flow cell and that of the sample, a new chain is generated, this process continues until the whole surface of the cell is saturated with the sample sequences (clustering).
Illumina Sequencing Four cameras take a picture with an especific wavelenght for each base added, a map of light spots is generated and interpreted by the appliance to store the data for the archive.
Illumina Sequencing Several Gb of data are generated (up to terabytes). Each sample is stored in an independent file (Fastq).
Illumina Sequencing After demultiplexing and elimination of the adapter sequences, the data is matched to a reference genome and analysed.
Thank you!