Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Learning Objectives: To explore the method of Cornell note taking. Cornell Notes – How to make notes effectively Watch this video for a new way on taking notes. It is a game changer!
Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Why should you use it? Prevents forgetting and improves memory. Research shows that we forget 50% of what we hear within an hour and more than 70% within two days. Cornell notes helps us retain this. Encourages concentration. Taking effective notes requires a student to be mentally active during a lecture or while reading. One has to pay attention, interact with information, make decisions about what to record, and write. Records testable information. Examiners generally expect students to remember and apply facts and ideas presented in lecture or in texts. Helps organization. Makes key revision notes presentable, organised and in order. This makes it more likely to want to revise and helps with visually remembering key concepts. Great for visual learners. Gives space to copy and write information (class notes), identifying key notes (trigger words), and for summing up the main ideas of the topic (summary/reflection).
Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes STEP 1 – DIVIDE PAGE: Before class, use a marker or a different color of ink to divide the page into two main columns (one for main notes and one for the study cues), with a bit of space at the top and a larger section at the bottom. Before class, use a marker or a different color of ink to divide the page into two main columns, with a bit of space at the top and a larger section at the bottom. Prepare pages in advance or use a template for Cornell notes. If you are left handed, you can switch the cue column to the right-hand side to make things easier. The idea is to make the process as easy as possible.
Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes STEP 2 - RECORD: This is where the fun begins. Fill the largest section with your class notes, recording relevant terminology, names, dates, formulas, statistics, and other information. Keep these tips in mind: Write neatly (or at least legibly). Leave a space between each line in case you need to add more information later. Use shorthand, such as the ampersand (&) instead of “and,” or acronyms instead of full terms, but make sure you know what they mean. Don’t use complete sentences. If you learn better by doodling/drawing or if you make connections through tactile learning (such as something you saw, smelled, or felt during an experiment), feel free to write these down. This will help you study later.
Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes STEP 3 - REDUCE: Effective note-taking continues outside of class. Take a few minutes to go over your notes (and clear up any illegible handwriting) while the information is still fresh in your mind. Take a few moments to summarize the key points inside the left-hand column (study cues), and make sure they line up with the corresponding information. One way to reduce the lecture is to put it in your own words, looking for meaning and the relationships between ideas. When study time comes, you can find information quickly by scanning the cue column, and you’ll already have a firm grasp on what you’ll need to know for the test.
Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes STEP 4 - RECITE: Without looking at the detailed notes from the class, see if you can remember what you learned by looking at the cues column. You can always “cheat” a little to check if you got the right answer (it’s not the real test yet!). STEP 5 – REFLECT/SUMMARISE: When you write your summary section, don’t think of it as a mere repetition. Treat it as a chance to engage with the material, including your thoughts, your questions, your interpretation, and your own personal reflections. You can even relate the material to the textbook or other study materials, to your previous experiences, or to knowledge from other courses; the more connections you can make, the better.
Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes STEP 6 – REVIEW/REVISE: This step can actually be done throughout the year as a way to aid memory and revision. It also helps to ease the pressure of studying for exams. Take the time to review your notes. 10 minutes going over notes will go a long way. Don’t make your studies any more stressful than they need to be: become a master of Cornell notes instead.
Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Course, Topic, Title, Date Revision Strategy Cornell Method On How To Take Notes Course, Topic, Title, Date Key Words / Questions / Key Themes Key Words Themes Questions Sub-Topics Trigger ideas Evaluation NOTES Record notes here. Bullet point notes & each piece of new information Skip line or lines to visually organise notes Summary Write a summary of your notes in this section of each page.