560+ people dedicated to innovation across 5 R&D labs 35 service centers +1B Euro revenue in 2012 Regional 24x7 support 560+ people dedicated to innovation across 5 R&D labs +6,100 employees Pay-as-u-go model: Low CAPEX, pay per use fee 250+ mobile operators worldwide 1.5 million SIM cards every day HOSTED servers with certified data centers around the globe (save on CAPEX) >10 years experience in solutions and platforms supply
Oberthur Technologies A world leader in digital security Oberthur Technologies at a glance Main end-markets Leading player in digital security serving the Telecom, Payment, Identity, Transport and Digital TV markets Offering extending along the full length of the digital security value chain Development of embedded secure software Manufacturing, personalization and issuance of secure devices and identity documents Development of associated server based solutions operated by clients in-house or in managed services Unique industry positioning Trusted by 250 mobile operators, 10 years of experience in Over-The-Air (OTA) platform Supplier to 5,000 banks, 20 years of experience in personalisation services Long term partner of a large number of governments Worldwide presence with a true global reach Secure devices and documents delivered in 140 countries 50+ sales offices and 30+ services centers R&D centers in 5 countries with over 560 engineers Connected devices Mobile Phones Machine 2 Machine ² COMMUNICATION IDENTITY PAYMENT Convergence of applications HEALTHCARE DIGITAL TV TRANSPORT A unique positioning to answer the needs of a convergent world © Oberthur Technologies 2012 05/04/2019
Oberthur can help the expansion of your company’s revenue streams ! Flávia- Telecom Sales Manager – CAC f.lima@oberthur.com Confidential 3