Global Symposium Project 8th Grade 2014
What's the problem? 1) Air pollution in North Carolina is a serious and persistent problem. Most people think of air pollution only on days when the news announces an air quality alert, warning of high levels of smog. Unfortunately, people in North Carolina aren’t exposed to air pollution just a few dozen times a year on bad air days. North Carolinians breathe air pollution day in and day out throughout their entire lives.
What is the probelm 2) Water Pollution in North Carolina is a serious and persistent problem. According to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), North Carolina has been ranked as one of the top 10 states with the most contaminants in their drinking water. EWG said the biggest sources of contaminants were agriculture, industry and pollution from sprawl and urban runoff. Scientists have specified eight general categories for the major kinds of pollutants. These categories include sediment, sewage and organic wastes, plant nutrients, infectious agents, organic chemicals, salts and mineral substances, radioactive substances, and thermal (heat) pollution.
Your task is….. You have to choose between Air or Water Pollution and its effects on Carolinians presidents You have three choices to present their projects: 1. Large Poster Project 2. PowerPoint 3. A letter to your congressman
Resources Air Pollution and Public Health in North Carolina Think Global Green Environmental Planning_(Water Resources & Air Quality) NC Power Plants Rank 12th for Global Warming Pollution The Pollution Information Site/State Report Environment North Carolina