Good morning! Please find your group from last class. Get out your notes and your major themes sheet, and be ready for a brief notes quiz. You’ll need ½ sheet of paper
Notes Quiz ½ sheet paper – use your own notes… Please remember your academic integrity!!! … Identify and briefly explain TWO factors that contributed to the rapid industrialization of the US economy in the 1870s & 1880s. Be sure to appropriately use at least TWO specific vocabulary terms.
The Gilded Age & The Progressive Era Unit Questions: What is the cost of progress? What do we value?
Group Discussion Questions Can some people be too rich? Can a business be too big? What role should the government play in regulating the economy, if any? Should the US limit immigration? What are the benefits of technological progress? What might be some of the costs? Should the US government regulate moral behavior – alcohol, obscenity, movies, sexual conduct, gambling, etc.
The Gilded Age & The Progressive Era Unit Questions: What is the cost of progress? What do we value?
What do you see? What is the message?
Documents Read the poem, “The New Colossus.” What is this about? What values does it represent? Read the Chinese Exclusion Act How does it compare to the poem?
Rapid Industrialization GQ#1 - Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialization? Rapid Industrialization Civil War Land Transportation Population Role of Govt Technology Business Innovations Dig a bit deeper! AMSCO Book Focus on Vocab from Major Themes Sheet What vocabulary, examples & descriptions could you use with each?
GQ#1 Vocab – Any others??? Mass production Wall Street Henry Frick Corporations & trusts John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Co. James Duke Monopolies Horizontal integration Vertical integration Old Immigration / New Immigration Push & Pull Factors Mass production Wall Street Protective Tariffs Homestead Act Transcontinental Railroad Laissez-Faire Sherman Anti-Trust Act Andrew Carnegie Thomas Edison
2A – GQ#1 - Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialization? 2A – 3A – 4A -
3A - GQ#1 - Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialization? 3A - 3A – 4A -
4A - GQ#1 - Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialization? 4A - 3A – 4A -
1B - GQ#1 - Why were the 1870s and 1880s decades of rapid industrialization? 1B - 3A – 4A -
Paper 2 Practice See handout…