【PACKING LIST】 PACKING LIST is packing details of shipment. Based on information of packing list, necessary to know which carton it is in to select cargo at the time of customs inspection. Following information is required on Packing list ・①Invoice date ・②Number of invoice ・③Purchase order number ・④Country of departure, place (port/airport) of departure ・⑤Country of destination, place (port/airport) of departure ・⑥Date of departure ・⑦Estimated arrival date at destination ・⑧Payment terms ・⑨Name, address, tel/fax number, person in charge of shipper ・⑩Name, address, tel/fax number, person in charge of consignee ・⑪Name, address, tel/fax number, person in charge of notify ・⑫Name, address, tel/fax number, person in charge of delivery place ・⑬Case marks ・⑭Name of description of goods ・⑮Quantity of goods ・⑯Unit of goods ・⑰Length of cargo(cm) ・⑱Width of cargo(cm) ・⑲Height of cargo(cm) ・⑳Gross weight of cargo ・㉑Net weight of cargo ・㉒Volume of cargo( m3) ・㉓County of origin ・㉔Total gross weight of shipment ・㉕Total net weight of shipment ・㉖Total volume of shipment