Digestive System Digestion is the process of breaking down food into usable materials.
Mechanical Digestion- Teeth chew food into smaller pieces Mouth Mechanical Digestion- Teeth chew food into smaller pieces Chemical Digestion- Saliva moistens the food and changes starch to sugars Amylase enzyme- breaks down starch to simple sugars This is where carbohydrates begin being broken down *yarn- measure front to back of mouth (corner of lips to jawbone)
Epiglottis Blocks the trachea when food is swallowed so food goes down the esophagus to the stomach
Muscles push the food down the esophagus to the stomach This muscular action is called peristalsis. It takes about 8 seconds for food to travel to the stomach It takes about 2 seconds for liquid to travel to the stomach Yarn- measure top of the neck to stomach. (about 10 in)
Continues breaking down food and digesting proteins Stomach Continues breaking down food and digesting proteins Mechanical Digestion- muscles slosh food around, breaking them down into smaller pieces, eventually to a liquid called chyme Chemical Digestion- Pepsin enzymes break down the proteins in food to amino acids Food can remain in the stomach for several hours Yarn- stretch out hand. Measure tip of thumb to tip of little finger.
Fats are broken down into fatty acids by bile from liver Small Intestine Breaks down nutrients and nutrients are absorbed by villi to the bloodstream Fats are broken down into fatty acids by bile from liver Three parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum Villi cover the inside of the small intestine, increasing the surface area and absorbing nutrients to be sent to the bloodstream to our cells Yarn: measure height four times
Liver One function of the liver is to create bile that is sent to the small intestine. Bile- breaks down fat into fatty acids that can be used by the body (dish soap and oil lab) Largest internal organ in our body Other functions: Filters blood, stores unneeded nutrients for later use, and breaks down medicine and produces proteins Gallbladder Bile is stored & concentrated here Released through the bile duct to the small intestine (duodenum)
Pancreas Sends enzymes to small intestine to break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats Enzymes lower acidity in small intestine Necessary to break down food; without it, we would starve!
Large Intestine or Colon Water and other nutrients are absorbed here Waste material is compacted here (feces) Yarn: Measure height one time
Rectum Feces is stored here Anus Feces eliminated through the anus
What Kind of Poop is Ideal? It is important to understand the different types of poop textures This can help determine if your body is getting the right nutrients (fiber, water, etc.) Your digestive system can be improved through a healthy, balanced diet, exercise, rest, and learning how to handle stress.