“The Lord Was With Him!” Genesis 39:1-10
to better realize the significance of the Lord being with Joseph Purpose: to better realize the significance of the Lord being with Joseph
I Consider the FACTS A. As a Child B. As a Slave C. As One Tempted D. As a Prisoner E. As a Ruler
II The EVIDENCE of These Facts A. The Influence of God’s Presence
Imagine if you and I shared Joseph’s sense of God’s presence!...
II The EVIDENCE of These Facts A. The Influence of God’s Presence B. The Pureness of His Heart C. The Tenderness of His Ways D. The Greatness of His Wisdom
III The RESULTS of These Facts A. What the Presence of God Didn’t Do B. What the Presence of God Did Do
Conclusion and Summary We began this message with epitaphs. Want to end with such. What would you want on your headstone?... Give it some thought… Let me suggest: “God Was With Him!”