When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made!
Big Question How does Alfred Lord Tennyson present the cavalrymen of the Light Brigade in ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’? The charge of the Light Brigade
Literacy Task The crimean war was fought from 1853 to 1856. The russian empire was defeated by an aliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain and Sardinia. During the war, an order given to the Light brigade was misunderstood and over 600 cavalrymen charged strate into the fire of Russian canons. Over 150 British soldiers were killed Source: BBC Bitesize
Literacy Task The Crimean War was fought from 1853 to 1856. The Russian Empire was defeated by an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain and Sardinia. During the war, an order given to the Light Brigade was misunderstood and over 600 cavalrymen charged straight into the fire of Russian cannons. Over 150 British soldiers were killed. Source: BBC Bitesize
Heroism Triumph Inevitability Conflict Defeat Danger Patriotism Death Charge Bravery Battle Sacrifice
Big Question How does Alfred Lord Tennyson present the cavalrymen of the Light Brigade in ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’?
Big Question How does Alfred Lord Tennyson present the cavalrymen of the Light Brigade in ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’? Verb Anaphora Personification Rhythm Tennyson presents the cavalrymen of the Light Brigade as brave and heroic. He describes the soldiers riding ‘Half a league onward’ towards the ‘valley of Death’. This biblical allusion helps to create a serious and sombre tone, which emphasises the great sacrifice made by the men…