A Clash of Interests United States Soviets Post War Goals Promote economic growth by increasing world trade Promote democracy Soviets Protect national security Promote communism
A Clash of Interests Post War Goals United States Soviets Leads to Promote economic growth by increasing world trade Promote democracy Soviets Protect national security Promote communism Leads to The Cold War An era of confrontation & competition between the U.S. & Soviets that lasts for over 55 years
The Cold War 1945 1950 1955 1960 Yalta Conference FDR dies/Truman Doctrine Potsdam Conf. The Atom Bomb
The Cold War 1945 1950 1955 1960 Korean War Yalta Conference Red Scare / McCarthyism Yalta Conference FDR dies/Truman Doctrine Potsdam Conf. The Atom Bomb NATO Marshall Plan
The Cold War 1945 1950 1955 1960 Korean War Yalta Conference Red Scare / McCarthyism Yalta Conference FDR dies/Truman Doctrine Potsdam Conf. The Atom Bomb Korean War ends Eisenhower new President NATO Marshall Plan
The Cold War 1945 1950 1955 1960 Korean War Red Scare / McCarthyism Yalta Conference FDR dies/Truman Doctrine Potsdam Conf. The Atom Bomb Sputnik Brinkmanship Korean War ends Eisenhower new President NATO Marshall Plan
The Cold War 1945 1950 1955 1960 Korean War Red Scare / McCarthyism Yalta Conference FDR dies/Truman Doctrine Potsdam Conf. The Atom Bomb Sputnik Brinkmanship U-2 Incident Korean War ends Eisenhower new President NATO Marshall Plan
The Yalta Conference February, 1945: Roosevelt, Churchill, & Stalin meet to plan postwar world
The Yalta Conference Issue #1 – What becomes of Poland? "For the Russian people, the question of Poland is not only a question of honor but also a question of security. Throughout history, Poland has been the corridor through which the enemy has passed into Russia. Poland is a question of life and death for Russia." Joseph Stalin
Declaration of Liberated Europe The Yalta Conference Issue #2: What becomes of the rest of Europe? Declaration of Liberated Europe “…the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they will live.” “…create democratic institutions of their own choice.”
The Yalta Conference 1. Divided into Four Zones Issue #3: What becomes of Germany? 1. Divided into Four Zones The U.S., Great Britain, Soviet Union, & France would each control one zone Berlin is split 4 ways but resides in the Soviet zone
The Yalta Conference 1. Divided into Four Zones Issue #3: What becomes of Germany? 1. Divided into Four Zones The U.S., Great Britain, Soviet Union, & France would each control one zone Berlin is split 4 ways but resides in the Soviet zone 2. Germany pays reparations to the Soviets with trade goods & products
April, 1945
The Potsdam Conference July, 1945: Churchill, Truman & Stalin meet primarily on Germany reparations.
The Potsdam Conference Truman “gets tough” and insists that Germany’s industry be allowed to recover.
The Potsdam Conference Truman “gets tough” and insists that Germany’s industry be allowed to recover. Soviets pressured to accept less reparation compensation than agreed upon at Yalta.
The Potsdam Conference Truman “gets tough” and insists that Germany’s industry be allowed to recover. Soviets pressured to accept less reparation compensation than agreed upon at Yalta. Truman reveals news of atom bomb to Stalin.
The Potsdam Conference Truman “gets tough” and insists that Germany’s industry be allowed to recover. Soviets pressured to accept less reparation compensation than agreed upon at Yalta. Truman reveals news of atom bomb to Stalin. Stalin feels bullied by Truman’s tactics but reluctantly compromises to numerous issues.
Based on the outcome of the conference, Stalin leaves feeling….. The Potsdam Conference Based on the outcome of the conference, Stalin leaves feeling…..
The Potsdam Conference Stalin breaks from the Declaration of Liberated Europe, established at Yalta.
The Potsdam Conference Stalin breaks from the Declaration of Liberated Europe, established at Yalta The presence of the Soviet Army in Eastern Europe ensures pro-Soviet Communist governments.
The Potsdam Conference Stalin breaks from the Declaration of Liberated Europe, established at Yalta The presence of the Soviet Army in Eastern Europe ensures pro-Soviet Communist governments. Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, & Czechoslovakia become satellite nations to the Soviet Union.
Communist Countries as of 2007 China Cuba North Korea Laos Vietnam