PLASMA PHYSICS ISSUE INVESTIGATED: Your institution logo can go here XYZ IN PLASMAS FOR IJK Plasma Physics Issue: Describe the plasma physics issue that you investigated or how how the plasma physics relates to the application. This is a sub-bullet line This is another sub-bullet line Last line should have spacing 6 pts after. Relation to OFES Strategic Goals and Frontiers in Plasma Science: Describe how your work relates to those Goals Figure captions should be bulleted Arial 14 or 16 pt. Your institution logo can go here DOE Plasma Science Center Control of Plasma Kinetics 2
PROPOSED WORK DURING EXTENSION YEARS 2: XYZ IN PLASMAS FOR IJK Plasma Physics Issue: Describe the plasma physics issue that you will investigated or how the plasma physics relates to the application. This is a sub-bullet line This is another sub-bullet line Last line should have spacing 6 pts after. Relation to OFES Strategic Goals and Frontiers in Plasma Science: Describe how your work relates to those Goals Collaborators: Mary at U of England, Bill at U of Wales, Susan at National Lab XYZ. Figure captions should be bulleted Arial 14 or 16 pt. Your institution logo can go here DOE Plasma Science Center Control of Plasma Kinetics 4