Diet and Culture By Kaeli Larsen
Overview History Family and Religion Meal Time Diet Analysis Current Health Issues Conclusion
Pohnpei Third-world country Two hours to go all the way around Part of the Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae, Chuuk, and Yap Use our currency Five municipalities Each has a king and chiefs Kava (Kittler 2008)
History of Palau Legend story of Uab First recording of Palau in 1783 (Clark 2007) Became their own country on October 1, Two times the size of Washington, DC (CIA 2007) Government employs most of the population Matriarchal system
Family and Religion Very close knit with families Embarrassing to show affection Love to share stories after eating Either Protestant or Roman Catholic (CIA 2007). Steep rivals
Native Foods Taro root Yams Breadfruit Coconuts Chicken? Kava Avocados Star fruit Pineapples Sour sop Mango
Imported Foods Rice Flour Sugar Refined foods Fatty meats (Englberger 2005) Canned foods
Meal Time Typically three meals a day, dinner being the largest Food is important put the rice on Open Conversations Palau Plates Be served Pohnpei Sit on floor Serve yourself on leaves
Meal Time Typical foods eaten Rice Tuna Donuts Chicken Spam Noodles Fish Soup (beef and vegetable) Taro Breadfruit Yams Coconut and the milk Corn beef hash Snacks Fruit, donuts, Kool-Aid, baked goods, candies
Lets Put the Rice on
Diet Analysis Female, 25 years old, weighs 145 pounds, low active Breakfast Tuna fish, rice Lunch Rice, chicken, coconut milk Dinner Rice, soy sauce, breadfruit, fish, taro Snacks Rice, star fruit, mangos, plain donuts, Kool-Aid packet
Diet Analysis
Diet Analysis Concerns Below 50% Calcium – 28% Omegas 3 and 6 Vit. E Vit. D - Zero Above 100% Protein – 200% Thiamin Niacin – 213% Vits B6 and 12 Folate Vit. C Iron Magnesium Zinc
Current Health Issues Deficiency in Vitamin A Anemia in children (Englberger 2005) Obesity Diabetes High Blood Pressure ( Labarthe 2009 ) Cancer (Ichiho 2004) Cervix, breast, liver, and lung
Conclusion Very rich history Family oriented Local foods eaten by elderly Accessibility to American foods causing damage to health in younger generations
References Labarthe, D., Reed, D., Brody, J., Stallones, R (2009). Health effects of modernization in palau. American Journal of Epidemiology; 98, Ichiho, HM, Wong, V, Hedson, J., David, WJ (2004). Cancer in pohnpei state, federated states of micronesia; 11. Englberger, L., et al (2005). An ngo approach for addressing the nutrition dilemma: pohnpei focuses on awareness, food analysis, conservation, and food processing. Pacific Health Surveillance and Response; 12, 2. Clark, G (2007). Culture contact in the palau islands, Journal of Pacific History;
References CIA (2008). CIA – the world fact book – palau. CIA World Fact Book; 1 Kittler, P., Sucher, K (2008). Food and culture. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth;