Hazardous Extremes Risk Assessment HERA Hazardous Extremes Risk Assessment
Focus Areas: Climate and Water Coastal Climate Climate and Public Health Climate Communications and Outreach Ashley Ward, PhD; Climate Integration and Outreach Associate; CISA
Thoughts or suggestions on the concept? In your experience: Requests for feedback Thoughts or suggestions on the concept? In your experience: What types of decisions are being made? What information is needed to make these decisions?
HERA: Hazardous Extremes Risk Assessment HERA is a decision-support tool designed to assist community agencies in planning and preparedness for extreme events. The tool provides support through: Data visualizations Providing county-level data and information on extremes Providing probabilities and recurrence intervals for extreme events Comparisons across counties and to state averages Information on event-specific impacts
Effective date: November 2017 HERA Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMMS) Emergency Preparedness Rule Effective date: November 2017 Link: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and- Certification/SurveyCertEmergPrep/Emergency-Prep-Rule.html
INCORPORATED EVENTS - NOTES HERA Events HERA Extreme Events PRIMARY EVENT NAME INCORPORATED EVENTS - NOTES Tropical Storm/Depression Hurricane Extra Tropical Cyclone Nor’Easter Thunderstorm Hail, Thunderstorm Wind, Lightning, Flash Flood, Flood, Heavy Rain, Squall Line Heavy Precipitation Heavy Rain, Flash Flood, Flood (not associated with other storm event) High/Strong Winds Non-Convective Winter Weather Heavy Snow, Snow, Sleet, Ice, Freezing Rain, Mixture, Cold/Wind Chill, Extreme Cold, Winter Storm, Winter Weather, Frost/Freeze Dense Fog Excessive Heat Drought Wildfire Storm Surge/Tide Not associated with other storm event Rip Current Tornado Includes those spawned from hurricanes, thunderstorms, and tropical storms as well as waterspout from the same.
HERA: Data Sources Storm Data, NCEI 1996-2016 Death Certificates, NC Vital Records, 1999-2016 Flood Plain Maps, FEMA NFIP claims, FEMA Top Heavy Precipitation Events, SERCC, 1996-2016 Extreme Precipitation Thresholds, NOAA Atlas 14 Property Damage Claims, NC Department of Insurance, 2000-2016 Days of Extreme Heat, xmACIS2, 1996-2016 Agricultural Damage, USDA, 1996-2016
HERA: Additional Data Sources Power Outage Data: Currently under request Motor Vehicle Accidents, NCDMV Injury data, NCDETECT Property Damage, NC Department of Insurance
HERA Demo Convergence.unc.edu