Freshman On Track, Data, Freshman Coach & Success Team Freshman Success Freshman On Track, Data, Freshman Coach & Success Team
Freshman On-Track (FOT) A freshman On-Track is a measure of of how many freshman are on track to graduate by the end of the freshman year. It’s based on credit accumulation & course failures. They are deemed On-Track if they have earned 6 course credits and failed no more than one semester of a core course.
A student on track at the end of 9th grade is four times more likely to graduate than students off track.
Key Performance Indicators: Data to Consider Key Performance Indicators: Freshman On Track Rate Core Passing Rate 3.0+ GPA Attendance
Defining the Data On track rate: number of students NOT failing more than 1 required course for graduation (calculated at the end of the semester) Core passing rate: number of students NOT failing any courses 3.0 GPA: percentage of students with a 3.0 or above GPA Attendance rate: missing no more than 1 day per month
Grades and GPA predict 80% of graduates. (3.0 nearly all graduate, 2.0 is 70% and 1.0 is 25%)
Freshman Success Team Members include: School Administration Freshman Counselor Freshman Teachers- Core, Elecitive, ESOL, SPED Freshman Coach
The Freshman Coach Facilitates the Freshman Success Team Works with school administration & FST to set On-Track goals Collects student level data Communicates strategies and progress with staff, parents & students Works with FST to create interventions Meet with students
FST Meetings Establish Norms (AVID) Follow the Student Support Protocol: Identify the student Identify student strengths (1-3 min) Share concerns. Look at data. Set goal. (3-5 min) Support planning (3-5) Recap & summarize next steps (2 min)
Confidential Student Profile GPA Number of F’s (identify course) Absences Strengths Concerns 504/IEP/ESOL Support Planning
Support Planning Student meeting with SRO Tutoring Teachers making connections Using a favorite class as an incentive Student meetings Using a binder Organization Setting goals
Defining Our Target A triangle represents a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). Becomes an organizer of your greatest resources: staff time and effort!
Tier 1: Practices that are universal and targeting 95% of students. Includes classroom instructional practices, AVID strategies & elective, PBIS, CUB Time, Gear Up, First 3 lessons, Clubs etc. Tier 3: Intensive services provided by programs or individuals with specific training & roles within the school or district. Includes SST, School Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, SPED, SRO, HELP.
Our Target!
As a Freshman Success Team: •We function in Tier 2 •We support Tiers 1 & 3 •Target students with a 1.5-2.0 GPA (these students are just as likely to graduate as not graduate) •Target students failing 1-3 classes will yield the greatest gain.
Defining Tier 2 Parameters Decide how many students to staff in our time frame by: •Set a GPA parameter •Set an attendance parameter •Select students based on parameters and max number we have time to staff
Interventions LINK Freshman Parent Seminars- Fall Freshman SOS 1:1 Meetings Student Connection Activity School Clubs Lunch Crunch CoCo Cram