Using Capital Letters
Capitalizing Words Correctly 1. the first word in a sentence 2. names (of people, places, things) 3. titles (but not all the words) 4. days & months (but not seasons)
This is the easiest capitalization rule: Start every sentence with a capital letter... He went to the store for milk. Wait, I'm coming! There is the book you lost.
Capitalize Proper Nouns These include people's names: George Washington These also include names of specific places or things: New York State Disneyland Winter Olympics
Local Team Goes to State Finals But why wasn't "to" capitalized? Capitalize Titles Capitalize titles of Books, Magazines, Articles, Movies, and so on. For example: Goodnight Moon Finding Nemo Local Team Goes to State Finals But why wasn't "to" capitalized?
That's because we don't capitalize "minor" words in titles. Example: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The 3 Rules for Capitalizing Titles 1. Capitalize first and last words 2. Capitalize main words 3. Don't capitalize articles or prepositions with fewer than five letters at, by, for, in, of, on, to
Capitalize Days and Months Monday and January Don't capitalize seasons unless: 1. They are part of a proper name The Fall Festival 2. They begin a sentence Winter is beautiful.
1. you really only have one good chance to get an education. 2. I'm going to the park with my friends kathy and bart. 3. paul's class schedule includes american history, spanish, english, and math. 4. the chicago river runs into the mississippi valley waterways. 5. mrs. clark asked if amal would help. 6. uncle rob took us to texas. 7. my aunt and i picked up the papers. 8. she saw snow white when she was five years old.