STEP 8 PURPOSE AND TONE P. 319 Mrs. Elizabeth Celeste Coiman-Lopez, BAT., MS. Houston Community College – Fall 2018
DEFINITION - PURPOSE AND TONE P. 319 The writer writes from his personal point of view. THE PURPOSE: author’s reason for writing. to inform: give information, providing facts that will explain or teach something to the readers to persuade: convince the reader to agree with the author’s point of view, giving facts but arguing or proving a point to the readers. to entertain: amuse and delight, appealing to reader’s imagination using fiction or nonfiction. PRACTICE P. 321-324 THE TONE: expression of attitude and feeling (see cartoon) DEFINITION - PURPOSE AND TONE P. 319
DEFINITION - PURPOSE AND TONE P. 325 THE TONE: expression of attitude and feeling toward the subject. It is expressed through the words and details the writer selects. It is the writer’s voice It can project: anger, sympathy, hopefulness, sadness, respect, dislike, and so on. See examples PRACTICE 3 – 325 -328 REVIEW TESTS AND MASTERY TESTS P. 337-362 DEFINITION - PURPOSE AND TONE P. 325
IRONY: a common tone used by writers It says one thing, but it means something the opposite. It is used in conversations and writings Verbal irony is also called SARCASM. It also refers to situations in which what happens is the opposite of what we might expect. We would call it ironic. Irony is a useful tone for humor and can be used to imply exactly the opposite of what is said or what is done. See examples p. 329 PRACTICE 4-6 – 329 -335 A NOTE ON IRONY p. 329