WESTERN CAPE GAMBLING AND RACING BOARD - ACCOMMODATION Provincial Treasury 4 May 2018 Cape Town K Langenhoven
WCGRB Office Accommodation: Background Provincial Treasury together with the Department of Transport and Public Works have investigated a number of options to address the WCGRB accommodation needs. Available options, such as improvements to the current space utilisation at Seafare House are limited, given the Buildings status as a heritage building, thereby restricting the changes that can be affected to the building. As an interim solution, budget provision has been made for rental accommodation. Provincial Treasury has set aside a provisional reserve of approximately R7.5 million to address the Board’s more permanent infrastructure requirements. The permanent solution would form part of comprehensive office accommodation solution the Western Cape Government that still under consideration. 2018 Q1 Engagements: Provincial Treasury Overview
WCGRB Office Accommodation: Procurement WCGRB, DTPW and PT worked together to facilitate the accommodation tender (Expression of Interest) (EOI) requirements: Office specifications was finalised and sign-off by WCGRB – 02 March 2018. Advertisement was finalised and sign-off by WCGRB – 06 March 2018. WCGRB office space requirement is 1 926 m2 and secure parking vehicles. Lease period is for 3 years with an option to renew for a further 2 years. Office location requested is for the Northern Suburbs. Advertisement published in classified sections of the following newspapers: Cape Argus – 23 March 2018 Die Burger – 23 March 2018 Vukani – 29 March 2018 Tender was published on government tender bulletin – 06 April 2018. Initial closing date was 03 May 2018, extended to 10 May 2018 due to late publication on tender bulletin. Only once the period for the EOI has closed, will the DTPW be in a position to detail the level of interest. 2018 Q1 Engagements: Provincial Treasury Overview
WCGRB Seafare House Accommodation: Repairs and Maintenance Completed the scope of work, but it must still be submitted to the Western Cape Heritage Council before it can go for tender. The scope of works include, amongst other, the following: Roof repairs; and Water proofing 2018 Q1 Engagements: Provincial Treasury Overview