Runtastic By: Drew Viereck
What is Runtastic ? Mobile App created for Android and Apple devices. Focuses on gathering and managing sports data in order to motivate people to do sports and to link like-minded people.
Purpose in Education Allows students to independently monitor their physical activity. Provides motivation and support to help reach personalized fitness goals. Tracks your daily activity route with GPS services to get accurate information. Monitors health benefits of various different activities. Not just running.
Features GPS tracking Workout Distance, Duration, Speed, Pace, and Calories Burned. Accurate Elevation and Heart Rate. Recorded workout history. Optional social media sharing. Voice Coach and cheering for motivation. Keeps track of goals and progress toward reaching goals. Works with various different workouts and physical activity.
How to get Runtastic? Can be found in App Store, Google Play, and Windows Store. Runtastic is FREE on all formats. Runtastic PRO is also available for $4.99. PRO provides additional tracking and coaching features .
Additional Info Runtastic also sells wearable technology to work alongside app. These devices help improve the accuracy of results. Wristbands cost $30. Waist band cost $70.
Runtastic For more information on Runtastic and its features and products please follow the link provided above.