West Midlands Housing LIN update 2018/19 Kurshida Mirza – WM Lead


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Presentation transcript:

West Midlands Housing LIN update 2018/19 Kurshida Mirza – WM Lead @HousingLINews Please add your name and title to the slide Please explain your role in the Housing LIN

Policy news: National Planning Policy Framework Consultation. Additional MHCLG guidance on housing for older people due before end of the year Social Care Green Paper, 2018? Have Your Say: Housing LIN Green Paper Survey Deadline 7 December We are looking forward to anticipated forthcoming detailed guidance from the Secretary of State to support local housing needs analysis, focusing on the needs of older and disabled people, as required by the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017. It is anticipated that the Social Care Green Paper will include a strong focus on the role of housing in ensuring good outcomes for people with care and support needs. Please complete the Housing LIN Green Paper survey, which aims to help the Housing LIN understand members’ top concerns and priorities that they are looking for the social care green paper to address, and will inform our response and influencing work when the Green Paper is finally published.

Funding news: Housing LIN response to Government’s Funding of Supported Housing consultation Additional £55m announced in the Budget for DFGs Homes England’s CME set to deliver Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund (CASSH) priorities The Housing LIN broadly welcomed the decision to keep the funding for ‘sheltered’ and ‘long term’ supporting housing within the welfare system, and indeed we welcome the final decision to retain the funding for short term housing within the welfare system also. However, we are still awaiting more details about proposed regulatory changes. Extra support for Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs). Also currently awaiting publication by Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) of DFG Review (may be published by the meeting – will let you know if so). - Homes England CME: Continuous Market Engagement

RIBA Bookshops - #AgeFriendlyHousing Useful policy context, Insights, Info boxes and examples of mainstream and specialist housing for older people. From ordinary housing, bungalows, retirement villages to extra care, residential care & hospices Co-living & intergenerational living Adaptations and future proofing our homes, including tech and eco-build 15 case studies (England and Europe) £5 discount = AGE5 https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/RIBA-age-friendly-housing/ - This book was co-authored by Jeremy Porteus, who provided secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing for an Ageing Population. HAPPI 4, and all previous HAPPI reports, can be found on the Housing LIN website at www.housinglin.org.uk/HAPPI/ HAPPI – Housing our Aged Population: Panel for Innovation

New Housing LIN Policy briefing Innovative Housing Models for an Ageing Population Industrial Strategy roundtable event with BEIS and DHCS organised by the Housing LIN Connections across health, housing and care Digital and Technology Moving on in later life – Looking to the Future Engaging the volume housebuilders? Modular build techniques – a disruptive opportunity for innovation and improvement? Intergenerational design & new forms of living Who is ageing? – always somebody else This event took place in August 2018 Small event with about 25 delegates BEIS: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; DHSC: Department of Health and Social Care Paper now available on Housing LIN website Supporting thinking around the government’s Ageing Grand Challenge (part of the Industrial Strategy) and the role of housing in the forthcoming Green Paper

New Housing LIN Practice briefing Technology and Digital Connected Care Services: Towards the tipping point? Focuses on what are the barriers for widespread adoption of digital technology in housing, health and care services? What is the tipping point for digital in these sectors? New paper authored by Clare Skidmore for the LIN Why technology and digital hasn’t yet had the transformative impact on housing and social care that it has had on the rest of our lives Call for innovators and technologists to talk and listen to current and potential end users – older and disabled people - and learn from what matters to them

The Housing LIN was commissioned by The Guinness Partnership to undertake an independent evaluation of the progress made in becoming a more dementia-friendly organisation. Guinness implemented a two year project in 2015 to take forward developments, initially in two pilot areas of Havant and Manchester with a view to rolling out successful approaches more broadly. The report outlines how Guinness as worked to embed dementia-friendly thinking as part of their day to day approach.

A selection of recent Housing LIN blogs Almshouses - leading the way in the sustainable provision of low-cost homes and community The Future of Health and Housing is Community Age Friendly Housing: What is needed for a step-change? Intergenerational practice creates ageless communities These are just a few examples of the most recent blogs which have been published. The Housing LIN aims to publish a wide range of perspectives to encourage fresh thinking and stimulate debate. If you would like to contribute a blog, offering an innovative, refreshing or thought-provoking perspective, please get in touch with the Housing LIN and let us know your idea.

A look at three schemes from Denmark and Holland New Viewpoint: Learn to Innovate – European lessons on designing for ageing well A look at three schemes from Denmark and Holland One example of a viewpoint paper published recently to showcase overseas as well as UK-based examples of innovation and exemplary practice

Housing LIN – projects in progress Been supporting NHS England in Yorkshire and Humberside on the Transforming Care Programme to improve housing for people with learning disability/autism Joint work with the Centre for Ageing Better and the Race Equality Foundation to explore the housing needs of older people from BME communities In early discussion with partners to develop a Housing LIN Scotland Recently held the Housing LIN Cymru – annual conference – 7 November, Newport Planning for our 2019 annual conference, Edgbaston Cricket Club Please let us know if you are interested in learning more about potential future Housing LIN-led work on the role of housing in enabling people with learning disabilities and / or autism to live fulfilling lives, access personalised care and support and achieve their aspirations BME project: Housing LIN and Race Equality Foundation have jointly commissioned a piece of research / census analysis on this topic by Manchester University; REF, the Centre for Ageing Better and the Housing LIN will be jointly hosting a round table event in July 2018 to explore the conclusions of this research in detail and consider priority areas where further work / recommendations may be needed.

Spotlight on extra care housing YouTube videos: latest on technology enabled care in extra care housing last week. View at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/A-Digital-Revolution-in-Extra-Care-Housing-Private/ Published alongside the technology paper mentioned earlier Latest of a series of videos which the LIN have published over the past year

Housing LIN consultancy Underpinning your learning and improvement Developed new service webpages setting our consultancy, training and wider fee paying services to supplement our free online and regional Housing LIN networking activities. Examples of work include: Strategic Housing for Older People Market Analysis for several county councils and unitary authorities in Wales and England (the latter as part of the LGA Housing Advisor programme) Undertaking sheltered housing ‘fit for purpose’ asset management reviews for housing associations in the Midlands and Yorkshire Commissioned by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists refresh its 2006 guide, Minor Adaptations without Delay. Due out Spring 2019 - Please do get in touch with the Housing LIN team if you would like to discuss our consultancy services and how we might be able to work with you.

Connecting with the Housing LIN Over 40,000+ subscribers but still the ‘best kept secret’! Sign up to receive our free quarterly newsletter, Housing with Care Matters, and weekly bulletin, LINks Check out our free-to-view online resources, including #InspirationalAchievements page at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/Inspirational-Achievements/prp/ Get involved and share your learning on our discussion forum and at these events Follow us on twitter at @HousingLIN and @HousingLINews Host a future regional Housing LIN meeting Sponsor our website or an event

Thank you! C/o EAC 3rd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP email: info@housinglin.org.uk tel: 020 7820 8077 website: www.housinglin.org.uk Twitter: @HousingLIN @HousingLINews