Minority Affairs Committee Fall 2016
Committee Project: A2/A2B to B Kidneys Title Summary Status Strategic Goal Assessment of Transplant Programs Conducting A2/A2B Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants to Blood Type B Recipients Concern that voluntary A2/A2B to B provision under the new Kidney Allocation System (KAS) underutilized 6-month analysis of KAS showed a statistically significant increase in number of A2/A2B to B transplants, suggesting increased access to transplants for blood type B patients if center utilizes provision Workgroup has a survey underway to understand non-participation better Preliminary results to be discussed at Sept. 20 in-person meeting 2. Increase equity in access to transplants Feedback on why centers are not participating in the voluntary provision would be helpful
Committee Project: Cultural Competency Title Summary Status Strategic Goal Increase cultural competency in regards to donation and transplantation Create guidance on developing and implementing culturally congruent living donor transplant programs to increase number of living donors Create a best practice toolkit, including webinars and/or guidance documents A summary of current literature will be presented at the MAC mtg Workgroup will include Minority Affairs, Kidney, and Living Donor members 1. Increase the number of transplants Please share examples of program’s best practices in cultural competency for the workgroup to consider
Questions? Jerry McCauley, M.D., M.P.H., FACP Committee Chair Jerry.McCauley@jefferson.edu Emily G. Ward, M.P.A Minority Affairs Committee Liaison Emily.ward@unos.org Next Meeting: Sept. 20, Chicago