doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Subir Das sdas at appcomsci dot com Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 802 Wireless Joint Opening Plenary IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover Services Session #70, September 2015 Bangkok, Thailand Subir Das sdas at appcomsci dot com Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
802.21 WG Objective IEEE 802.21 is developing standards to enable services (e.g. Handover and other use cases) and interoperability between heterogeneous networks including both 802 and non-802 networks Sept 2015 Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG
802.21.1 - Use cases and Services Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Active Task Groups 802.21m - Revision Project 802.21.1 - Use cases and Services Sept 2015 Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
Session Time and Location Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Session Time and Location Monday (Sept 14, 2015) Tuesday (Sept 15, 2015) Wednesday (Sept 16, 2015) Thursday (Sept 17, 2015) AM-1 8:00-10:00a IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary (8:00- 9:00am) 802.21.1 TG 802.21m TG AM-2 10:30-12:30 802.21m TG 802.21.1 TG PM-1 1:30 – 3:30p WG Opening Plenary/802.21.1 TG (1: 30- 2:30p)/ 802.21m TG (2:45- 3:30p) 802.21.1 (1:30- 2:30 p) and 802.21 WG Closing Plenary (2:40- 3:30 p) PM-2 4:00 – 6:00p 802.24 TAG NA Default Location: Lotus Suite 3 (22nd Floor); 802.24 TAG- Lotus Suite 4, 5 and 12 The WG has 20 voting members and I aspirant as of this meeting Sept 2015 Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
Objectives for the September Meeting Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Objectives for the September Meeting Task Group Activities 802.21m: Revision Project Discuss the draft document update and changes 802.21.1: Media Independent Services Discuss the draft and update the changes Sept 2015 Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Future Sessions – 2015 Plenary: 8-13 Nov 2015, Hyatt Regency Dallas, TX, USA Co-located with all 802 groups Sept 2015 Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company
Month 20xx doc.: IEEE 802.21-02/xxxr0 Future Sessions – 2016 Interim: 11-16 January, 2016, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA, USA Co-located with Wireless groups Plenary: 13-18 March, 2016, Sands Venetian Hotel, Macau, PRC Co-located with all 802 groups Interim: May 15-20, 2016, Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI, USA Co-located with all wireless groups Plenary: 24-29 July 2016, Grand Hyatt, San Diego, USA Interim: September 2016 , Europe (TBD) Co-located with all 802 wireless groups Plenary: 6-11 Nov 2016, Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX, USA Sept 2015 Subir Das, Chair 802.21 WG XXXX, His Company