JCHS FRESHMAN 2019-20 ENROLLMENT Presented by JCHS Counselors
GOALS FOR TODAY Explain Core Classes to be offered Discover what electives are offered Explore what classes fit my post secondary plans Have enrollment card completed and ready to take home for parents to look over and approve
HANDOUTS Parent/Student Letter JCHS Course Planning Guide Enrollment Card Freshman Orientation Evening information Summer School Dates
CORE CLASSES OFFERED Language Arts Social Studies Math Science
Language Arts and Social Studies Integrated Integrated Missouri Studies (2.0 credits) Honors or Regular English I (1.0 credit) Missouri Studies (1.0 credit) Stand Alone
Math 1.0 credit Algebra I--Pre Algebra Students take this course Geometry--Algebra I Students take this course Algebra II--May take Algebra II with Geometry at the same time.
Science 1.0 credit Physical Science Principles of Biomedical Science- PLTW course Science Teacher recommendation required
REQUIRED ELECTIVE COURSES In your freshman year it is a requirement to choose Health and one of the PE choices. You may choose to take them in summer or during the school year. This MUST be selected on your enrollment card. Health Boys or Girls PE/Body Conditioning/ Athletic Advanced Strength Training( JC Sports team Athletes only) Study Skills Summer school information will be available in March. Please do not sign up for PE and/or Health if you plan on taking during summer school
Credits--How do I earn H.S. credit? Students are given semester grades, with each semester class being worth .5 credits. Students can earn up to 3.5 credits per semester and 7.0 credits per school year. Marching Band students earn 7.5 credits due to a zero hour class term one. In order to earn credits a student must earn a 60 percent or higher. Courses that are failed during the school year that are required for graduation should be made up in summer school or the following school year.
Example of a student schedule Semester One Semester Two Marching Band--Zero Hour Concert Band Language Arts Social Studies Study Skills Body Conditioning I Health Algebra I Principles oF Bio Medical Sci Principles of Bio Medical Sci
References Jefferson City HIgh School Webpage: https://www.jcschools.us/domain/1741 Graduating Class of 2023 google classroom Join with the code: iw1ix2s
Counselor Assignments Counselor Name Students last name Phone Number Teshura Rogers A-Co 659-3068 Lauren Winemiller Cr-Gl 632-3434 Kurt Hafley Go-J 659-3064 Diane Clayton K-N 659-3066 Jamie Kennedy O-Sp 659-3069 Brandy Martin St-Z 659-3027 13