NPC PowerPoint Guidelines 2019 The PowerPoint template includes 12 slide layouts for your presentation. You can use as few or as many of the layouts as you would like. Included in the options: cover slide; a common closing slide for all presentations; as well as slides with solid color bars along the bottom to tie the sections together, and slides with partial color blocks to add visual interest to your PowerPoint. There is also a plain white slide, if you prefer. DOs and DON’Ts There is a ½ inch border around all slides that should remain free and clear of any content or graphics. Font choice to follow our brand recommendations is Verdana, and also includes Arial as an option. All PowerPoints should begin with the cover slide. Click the new slide button, and then the layout button and insert the “Cover slide”. All slides after the cover slide should have a footer that includes: All PowerPoints should end with the closing slide (Closing Slide). When taking a presentation on the road, please be sure that you save it with your font embedded, otherwise it will change when loading on a foreign machine. Click Insert > New Slide in the top ribbon bar to access the APA PowerPoint template slides Delete this slide before beginning your PowerPoint.