agenda 2-24-10
Quiz – 13.1 and 13.2 Why was the Bessemer Process important? Who is credited with the invention of the first light bulb? How did Henry Ford’s assembly line lead to price reduction of products? According to Karl Marx, history was about the struggles between what two groups of people? What was the difference between Pure Marxists and Revisionists? T or F – the new white-collar workers were between the lower-middle- class and the lower class. Give one example of how women were treated differently than men. What was one possible reason for the decreased birth rate throughout the 1800s? What did Amy Sieveking found? What techniques did Emmeline Pankhurst use to fight for women’s rights? What was the main motive for the increase in public education throughout Western Europe? What was the most immediate result of increased public education?
Quiz – Answers Produced high quality steel more quickly and efficiently. Thomas Edison More efficient production = cheaper products Bourgeoisie vs. Proletariat (the oppressors and the oppressed) Pure Marxists = violent revolutionaries, Revisionists = wanted to organize and achieve goals through a democratic process. T Couldn’t own property, couldn’t be own party in lawsuit, made less money, got legal identity from men. Improved economic conditions and increase use of birth control. Female Association for the Care of the Poor and Sick in Hamburg. Attention-getting behaviors: hitting government officials with eggs, tying themselves to lampposts, burned railroad cars and smashed windows. Political motivation – made voters more educated. Increased literacy
Homework – Read and outline 435 - 437
13.3 The National State and Democracy Western Europe and Political Democracy Democracy expanded. Why? Universal male suffrage Ministerial responsibility (leader responsible to legislative body, not just king) Formation of mass political parties Great Britain Was 2 party democracy (liberals and conservatives) until the labor party emerged. Liberals wanted to keep worker support so passed reforms for unemployment and old age pensions.
1875, 3rd Republic gained a republican constitution France 1875, 3rd Republic gained a republican constitution Had a president 2 legislative houses Sort of a mess, but still had the loyalty of the people till 1914. Italy Was an independent nation-state as of 1870 Not really unified; north was industrial and south was poor. Government weak and corrupt.
II. Central and Eastern Europe: The Old Order Germany Bismarck set up a 2 house legislature in 1871. 1 house elected by universal male suffrage. Government workers only responsible to the emperor, not the people. William II (1888 – 1918) = emperor. Made Germany military and industrial powerhouse. German conservatives thought expansion abroad would keep people’s minds off of democracy
Austro-Hungarian Empire Dual monarchy in1867 Austria had a parliamentary constitution, but emperor secretly had all power. Emperor = Francis Joseph. Big problems with different ethnic groups. Hungary had a parliament that actually worked. Russia Led by absolute monarch Nicholas II By 1900 Russia was the 4th largest producer of steel. Industrialization socialism. Especially Marxism. 1905, workers marched on the Winter Palace to protest the czar. His troops shot them (Bloody Sunday)… workers freaked out, so Nick made a parliament (called the Duma). By 1907, Nick refused to listen to the Duma anyway.