European policy cooperation on the education of 1973 Paris Conference on «The children of migrant workers in Europe» 1974 Community Social Fund priority: “facilitate the basic and advanced training of … teachers responsible for integration courses» 1976 Action programme on education. 1977 Council Directive 1984, 1989, 1994 Commission implementation reports 1997 EP implementation report 1999 Comenius thematic priority 2008 Green Paper «Migration and Mobility: Opportunities and Challenges for EU Member States» 2009 Council conclusions on the education of children from a migrant background European policy cooperation on the education of children from a migrant background Migration & Mobility: results of the consultation on the Green Paper Gelu Călăcean, DG Education and Culture, European Commission 1 1
Main challenges Significant achievement gap for migrant pupils, as revealed by all international tests Achievement gap persists after controlling for SES Lower participation and later enrolment in early childhood education and care Over-represented in special needs education Double rates of early school leaving
101 contributions European Parliament 19 Member States + Norway 19 European associations Committee of Regions European Economic and Social Committee
Policy challenges identified by contributors to the consultation
Policy responses identified by contributors to the consultation
Language support Tackling segregation Equal opportunities Raising achievement of children from migrant background Language support Tackling segregation Equal opportunities School level support 6
Language support Council Conclusions Consultation Green Paper Language is key factor Early language support Promote learning of heritage language Green Paper Policies for learning the language of instruction Qualified teachers, continuous support, parents Debate on added value of heritage language Consultation Policies for teaching host country language(s) Teacher training for managing linguistic diversity Possibilities for developing mother tongue Council Conclusions Study on Turkish children in Germany shows that children from a migrant background profit much more from out of home activities at early ages; important to strenghten language knowledge of parents
Structural reforms: segregation Preventing segregation; integrated education Desegregating “ghetto” schools Early tracking Green Paper Breaking the link between SES and achievement Avoiding segregation Ensuring quality for all Consultation Permeability of education pathways Reducing quality differences between schools Keep best teachers and strengthen leadership in underperforming schools Council Conclusions Study on Turkish children in Germany shows that children from a migrant background profit much more from out of home activities at early ages; important to strenghten language knowledge of parents
Structural reforms: equal opportunities Participation in ECEC Ensure quality standards in all schools Mentors and tutors Second chance and adult education Green Paper Participation in quality ECEC Ensuring equal opportunities Additional support (mentors, tutors, mediators, assistants) Consultation Increase access to high quality ECEC Strengthen anti-discrimination mechanisms Personalized learning and individual support Targeted support for pupils who also have SEN Council Conclusions Study on Turkish children in Germany shows that children from a migrant background profit much more from out of home activities at early ages; important to strenghten language knowledge of parents
School level support Council Conclusions Consultation Green Paper Training and professional development of teachers Teachers from a migrant background Intercultural education Partnerships with parents and communities Green Paper Teacher training for all teachers Consultation Training in managing linguistic and cultural diversity and intercultural competences Relevant curricula, methods and materials Partnerships with migrant communities and better communication with parents Council Conclusions Study on Turkish children in Germany shows that children from a migrant background profit much more from out of home activities at early ages; important to strenghten language knowledge of parents
Next steps Priority theme highlighted in ET2020 Open Method of Coordination Thematic group on early language acquisition Recommendation on early school leaving Monitoring the achievement gap Comparative study on measures for newly arrived migrant children Expert network on the education of children from migrant background
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