Kitchen Essentials | Chapter 5.4 Cooking and Nutrition Kitchen Essentials | Chapter 5.4
Healthy Diets A healthy diet: Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars 5.4 Chapter 5 | Kitchen Essentials: Part 2—Equipment and Techniques
Dietary Reference Intakes Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are recommended daily amounts of nutrients and energy that healthy people of a particular age range and gender should consume: Recommended Dietary Allowances are daily nutrient standards established by the U.S. government. Adequate Intakes identify daily intake levels for healthy people, and are typically assigned when scientists don’t have enough information to set an RDA.
Vegetarian Diets A vegetarian is a person who consumes no meat, fish, or poultry products. There are different types of vegetarians: A vegan follows the strictest diet of all and will consume no dairy, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, or anything containing an animal product or byproduct, including honey. They consume only grains, legumes, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. A lacto-vegetarian consumes all the vegan items plus dairy products. An ovo-vegetarian consumes all vegan foods plus eggs. A lacto-ovo-vegetarian consumes all the vegan items plus dairy products and eggs. 5.4 Chapter 5 | Kitchen Essentials: Part 2—Equipment and Techniques
Dietary Guidelines for Americans The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 is a document published jointly by the Department of Health and Human Services and the USDA. This report offers science- based advice for healthy people over the age of 2 about food choices to promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases. 5.4 Chapter 5 | Kitchen Essentials: Part 2—Equipment and Techniques
MyPyramid MyPyramid translates the RDAs and dietary guidelines into the kinds and amounts of food to eat each day. Nutrition Facts panels help people select the appropriate packaged food products to meet their nutritional needs. MyPyramid replaces the 1992 Food Guide Pyramid and incorporates the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. The MyPyramid symbol emphasizes six key themes: Proportionality Variety Physical Activity Moderation Gradual Improvement Personalization 5.4 Chapter 5 | Kitchen Essentials: Part 2—Equipment and Techniques
Nutrition Labels Each nutrient on the panel is reported as a percentage of Daily Values (DV). The DVs are provided in percentages based on a 2000-calorie diet. The mandatory components on the Nutrition Facts label are: Serving size and servings per container Total calories and calories from fat Total fat and saturated fat Trans fat Cholesterol Sodium Total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and sugars Protein Vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron 5.4 Chapter 5 | Kitchen Essentials: Part 2—Equipment and Techniques
The Problem of Obesity A person who is overweight or obese has a weight that is greater than what is generally considered healthy. 5.4 Chapter 5 | Kitchen Essentials: Part 2—Equipment and Techniques
Assignment You will be creating a food journal from now (9.26.11) until Friday (9.30.11) In this journal you MUST include: Name of food Amount of food (i.e. 2 cups of nuts, a fist size serving of fruit) To keep the food journal, go to Click on new user Enter in your journal entries daily; including if you exercised. On Friday, you will need to turn in the following: Print out of each days food journal Nutritional Print Out Reflection Summarize your findings; what can you do differently to eat healthier (1 page, double spaced, with title page) 5.4 Chapter 5 | Kitchen Essentials: Part 2—Equipment and Techniques
Calculate the following: Where do they fit on the BMI Scale? 5’2” 100 pounds 5’10” 150 pounds 5’8” 200 pounds 6’2” 250 pounds